Phase I - Most paint job; Shelving up.
Phase II - Graphic novels set up; entertainment center and Shelving unit for games set. Minor decorations are in place.
Phase III - More coherent work on the shelves. The 'story' of each shelf starting to come together.
Phase IV - Iron Man red shelving unit set up. Nothing major aside form that when comparing to Phase III, however.
Phase V - All shelves have their story. The progress is now on the 80% complete. The 'secret' is now pretty much on the go.
Phase VI - 'Secret' complete. The Final wall has the skeleton decor set up. Shelves are done and telling a story.
It took me at least a whole month to set up this bad boy, and suffice to say, the time of intimidating work, the 'strenuous' times of thinking through and wondering what will fit and how it will all come together, the many blogs about the steps it took and certain paraphernalia, then of course the ambivalence of what to take out of the box and what to keep.... well, I must say it was worth the work with how it turned out.Going in. |
To the Left. |
To my right (if sitting down looking at the entertainment center) is my lamp. Yes, this is where all of the modeling happens for all of my single blogs for whatever toy is out and about; or however my sporadic feeling of showing happens. But as one can really see, the usual tenants of the shelves are Ignis(wedding outfit as displayed in Phase I, Yuna:One of the First, and Large Mandarin Spawn). And to the left of that... (this is my 'Big Secret' I have been working on!)...
I have mentioned more than once that this 'room' has no practical storage space. Well, aside from my collection and stuff... with that said... what does the closet hold?
You discerned correctly! It's no place for apparel or what not, it's another place to exuberantly display some of my other 'odds and ends' that the outside display can't have adequate room for. And what I meant by odds and ends equates to:
The Venom and the Spidey consists of a myriad of types that I have accumulated over the years(and I don't exasperate that notion! OVER the YEARS). From a numerous varieties of Hasbros, Toybiz, minimates, super hero squads, and of course some random imports, my Spider-Man/Venom collection used to be more prominent than a shelf and a closet space. Recent years however, his popularity with me slowly diminished(blame it on 'One More Day' and Tobey McGuire, and overall, he isn't that enamoring anymore Hero wise, Parker however is still one of the best written characters back in his hay day). However they still hold a huge dent in my collection, so suffice to say, and for old time sake, I paid them tribute with my 'secret space' allotment!
Playarts, Bishoujo Boxes, Minimates!
The Bishoujo Boxes act as good background. |
Playarts: Yuffie Kisagari |
Misc Iron Man piggy bank, of course. |
Next on the list of this place is the 'topper' of the 'closet'. I adhered to the same pattern I had in my previous game room and used the Marvel Select as the top design. Works wonders in my opinion. The last addition to the diamond select was the Mark VII(Avengers armor) Select (top left). Part of the Christmas present from a good friend.
Next part of this is....
Just like the other side, this one has a bit of the 'surprise' which by now I would surmise became a bit anticlimatic. So yes, this is another side to show just how impractical my usage of space is in regards to something NOT being part of my collection.
Yes. There are more Marvel Diamond Select in here, more Transformers, and more Marvel things. They used to be main show in my shelves, but the Marvel Universe 3.75 action figures are now within the confines of my 'secret'.
Marvel Universe 3.75
As I have mentioned and probably have shown in the prior game room, these little guys used to be the main event in my room. I have an abundance of them! They pretty much initiated a secret invasion way back when and sooner than later, their number grew in an exponential rate!!!! The trajectory of the Marvel characters I collected through this style of Hasbro is almost uncanny! And it goes through the many waves of Marvel's assortment of universe. From Earth 616, House of M, Movieverse, Ultimate, to What Ifs, to concepts, and a myriad of others! Not to mention, this figure had managed to rope in some of the most popular storyline of Marvel like Age of Apocalypse, Dark Reign, Secret Invasion, World War Hulk, etc. Different timelines of the heroes and villains as well which makes the whole Spidey, Wolverine, and Iron Man selection also excessive. And Yes, that is Black Widow from the Movieverse bound and gagged by Thanos, just in case you were wondering.
Marvel Knights! |
A melting pot of timelines! |
Uncanny X-Force and Magic! |
Yes I have more of these guys. This shelf, I tried to be a bit more on the 'Beast wars' side of it, but it didn't happen that way since Transformers has a very WIDE range of selection, story lines, alternate universe, so forth, and so forth.
Yes, int the very middle there is a Hope action figure from the current Marvel Legends wave of Hasbro; well current as in it was wave one of 2012.
Playarts, Minimates, Tranformers, Icons
This is where all of my 'left overs' went! This side of the top of my closet. Again, minimates are in there along with the boxed up Black and Original Spidey, Norin, and again some random collection of Transformers which I thought still looks too aesthetically cool to donate or get rid of. Speaking of the whole 'not getting rid of' notion, one can probably see that I have used the boxes of the Bishoujo as a means to decorate the top shelves of my closet. Also, things like the Toybiz Marvel Legends that I did not take out of the packages, random Hasbros, very OLD Toybiz figures and of course the Marvel Select as I have mentioned already. Suffice to say, the reason why I held this one to a bit more on the discreet side is because I never thought I'd have a room where it would be able to house 85% of my collection... this one did. With a little help with the closet of course! But at any rate, on to the next view...
The Entertainment Center |
And this also contains my Final Fantasy playarts mini(the sort-of-minimates version of the playarts collection) as well as some random figures of FFT, FFVII, and FFX as well as the Playarts summon collection line. One might ask if these designs get in the way of gaming, I say, not really. Moving on.
The Right side |
I'm sure this shelf is familiar from my previous game room. It still pretty much has the same purpose as last time, in fact it is identically the same(usage wise) and it contains the majority of my anime/Final Fantasy, along with the N7 shelf dedication and some graphic novels. With that said, let's scrutinize the shelves, shall we?
The Bottom. |
My graphic novel collection has a bit of number(and weight!) so I keep them in the bottom shelf. They are a melting pot of different Marvel titles(mostly) along with some Video Game Square Enix strategy guide, Highschool of the Dead, Empowered, so forth and so forth. Along with collections such as some random Transformer toy, Dragonball Z tidbits and I forgot the line of the Marvel Ghost Rider toy.
Asuka Shikinami, Eva Unit 2.0 |
The next one above is my little 'anime' section with my favorite red berserking gal, Asuka of the Evangelion. There are others displayed here like a random Sailor Moon, a disgaea 4 character(Fuki, I believe?), so forth and so forth. Again the whole stand of Eva unit 2.0 does justice in regards to consolidating space for future tenants and for good action pose as well.
Playarts Kai: Batman, DC Toys Addiciton, DC Ame-Comi, DC amecomi |
This is the lot of my DC Comics collection that are out of their respected boxes. With the exception of the Lantern Corps ring, the Red Lantern Battery, and the random Harley Quinns, everyone of these gals and ominous Dark Knight has been blogged about. A bit of an oddball of a shelf, but it works well with some coherent pattern put into it.
"Daylight" |
Normandy: Normandy Model
The N7 shelf of mine that has a lot of my love! So much of it that I created a bit of a 'night and day' contrast option as well!
"Night Light" |
Almost on Top! |
Random Part of Collection |
Playarts Kai: Lightning, playarts: Rikku |
The 'TOP' |
The incomplete DC Wall |
And now we have this bad boy to scrutinize and enjoy. This is obviously to the left of my entertainment center. Again, the red wall does add a flare, doesn't it?
The Bottom |
Random#1, Random#2, Random#3 |
The DC Bishoujo, 3rd shelf |
Finally a spot on my game room that they don't feel so claustrophobic and their display isn't confined. Yes, they deserve a shelf(or two if you count them as a genre) and they are rather sensational to say the least. Only problem is, there is no room for growth! At least not visually appealing wise!
The Villain Shelf |
Some of the Villain crew like Sasquatch, Black Knight, 'It', King Hulk and a couple of others aren't entirely on the side of the bad guys, though I thought they would be an intimidating addition, that and they just look the part with their rather menacing physique or just how they look!
Others like Spiral are just perfect rivals for the captured Psylocke! By the way, Spiral is a rather great figure and one of a kind! Hell, this whole shelf itself is one of my favorite outcome with the way I have set things up! And of course! The whole D.I.D. innuendo has a total influence as to why I am really enthused by this! Anyways, moving on!
Bishoujo Marvel |
Femme Fatale Bishoujo. Bishoujo Black Cat
Unlike my DC, this one has room to grow. In fact Five seems to be the magic number since four looks a bit to sparse in aesthetics. Regardless, still shines well enough to say the least.
Almost at the top |
The Top |
This is the left side of that shelf. As I said, I have separated the DC collection so they are a bit everywhere. This side has a bit more of a theme! This is my Gotham Knights area, so to speak. Well, mostly a whole bunch of Arkham City paraphernalia.
To the left of that, going on a counter clockwise motion around my room, this is where I put my ps3 games, my blu rays and such. The entertainment shelf is rather particularly awesome and it shaped up quite well. The giant comic book covers of the golden Age of Comic Books adds a bit more vibrancy if I do say so myself. Yes, that is Wolverine's first appearance maximized! The First and Greatest Canadian Super Hero according to those captions.
And this is my red shelf. This furniture had endured a catastrophe that happened and now it is standing at my new and final game room. Good thing for it to because they have discontinued this furniture some time ago so trying to replace it was impossible. I like it because of its spacing, the vibrant red, and also, it's a perfect fit for my Iron Men.
X-cessive Force, Random |
The decorations are a few alternate versions of Hulk, Wolverine, and Spider-Man. It's quite amusing actually how I can really have the alternate universe/outfit of a few certain characters be in abundance to make the bottom decoration the way it is.
Still I remain adamant at liking the X-Force Logan, the Back in Black Spidey, and the Red Hulk(Rulk). I guess with the scheme adhering to red and black, it would be obvious as to why I would indulge.
"Thanos Imperative" |
Even Avengers' Trinity in alternate forms are in the spotlight here, so to speak, as they seem to be leading the charge. This particular shelf has some room for assembling more members; we'll see just how the future Legends will fit in my collecting endeavors; if even. There are a couple on the release list that seems noteworthy, though I am getting to the point that I am running out of room. Yes, I'm growing up!
Revoltech Mark V, Marvel Legends: Iron Man 3 |
The line up. |
The angle from here as well. |
Revoltech: Iron Man Mark V, Revoltech: Iron Man Mark III |
I'm 100 percent positive that the Iron man 3 movie armor(Mark VIII) will be joining the ranks of this shelf in the form of the Iron Monger Marvel Legends(along with Iron Patriot movie version and Ultron???) So there is one more fellow to add in this gorgeous and rather enticing shelf of the Iron Avenger's norm color!
Marvel Legends: Neo Iron Man |
Closing Note...
Again, I could go on and on, but I do know that it's pretty much the elaborate tour I could give since I did a round about 'walk' throughout my room. This is after all my last room to move into and I believe deep down in my heart that the change is NOT over, but I doubt I am going to do anything MAJOR. Obviously additions and subtractions will happen and to dissuade myself that this is the end all be all is hardly a promising argument. Suffice to say, more blogs about this room and the additions will be about. BUT....
That's all she wrote. For Now.
Whew! That was a LONG process. Two months of work and a week's worth of working on this blog. I can now take solace in the comfort of this room; as I have always done since the moment that it was not a distraught looking toy store!
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