Thursday, February 7, 2013

"The Red Phase III"

Still Working on it. Clearly it's a very intricate path to make sure it adheres to my idea of 'organized' but at the same time potent with the 'happenings' or what not.

Some of the 'black and blue'ish' paint are now getting covered. And Yes, I mirrored the exact same idea as my last game room. I think these Diamond Selects does wonders as 'frames', won't one concur?

Wait. How did he get to capture Spider-Woman?!

That's the angle of what my room looks like so far from my gamer chair. The shelves are getting full by the day!

The shelves at a more 'individual' look at them. So, only day three with me starting the whole process and I must say, it's going by decent. It's still a mess in my room, but I can still Game and enjoy some of my norm habits. At any given rate, that's it for now!

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