So here we are! The 'end of the world' year! If that is the case, I guess it's time to take note on how cathartic this year is in regards to some aspects of my gaming time! Though suffice to say, because of certain events, I have not been TOO deep into gaming. In fact, there might be a new subject here if I have the 'NEED' to put in that section. Well, time will tell as I work on this blog.
FIGHTING GAMES: Year by year my 'love' for this genre has decreased because of a few certain issues; first and foremost, it's going to be the idea that they aren't as enamoring as they used to be because of their lifetime. Another issue that has become a bit more prominent that factors in to my 'love' for these kind of games is the act of treason of DLC's; and this is mostly on Capcom's doing. Anyways, I have only played two fighting games this year and to judge which one held my interest more is well....
Winner is:
Dead or Alive. Why? Well, the story of this game isn't that enticing AT ALL. The gameplay is entertaining enough, but why? Well.... I have no real rhyme and reason. It held my interest far more than the other fighting game I did buy this year. Which of course would make the second game the 'runner up'.
(Past posts: Currently, Gaming for the next 2 months)
Runner up:
(Past Posts: Yukiko Amagi)
Action/RPG(Sandbox): I have mentioned before that this genre can be a bit mixed in with another genre. It's few and far between as to how to really distinguish, again I have no real description as to why and how I pick it, I guess I use the 'RPG elements' that isn't completely on the RPG based world. To me, any sort of game that indulges in the notion of leveling up, equipment, character skill/s build up but isn't ENTIRELY leaning towards to the whole feel of RPG like some games like Final Fantasy, etc. is action RPG. It's obscure, and hard to put a grasp on it. But these are the two that stick out. Honestly, in this 'genre', I only have two that really concur in this category.
Dark Siders II Review
This game did a fine job picking up where the other one left off. I only had one play through, but I would say that it was something note worthy to mention as one of the games this year that kept me interested.
(Past Posts: Currently Playing, Currently Playing, Currently Playing: DarkSiders 2, On An Update)
Runner Up:
The Amazing Spider-Man Review
Movie games are hit and miss. Spidey's new game went back to the 'open world' roots, however, it still lacked the flavor that I would prefer. That and the graphics weren't that great and the whole movie tie in wasn't exactly enough to cajole me to think and feel it's Parker's best Video game appearance.
(Past Posts: The Amazing Spider-Man, Currently Playing)
Action/3rd person: This is the other genre that is far too similar with the previous category. Again, they might be one and the same but the fact that the whole 'open world' is taken out as a factor in some of the games, I considered this a completely and totally different game. I am obstinate at the notion that they are different even though the solidity of my argument may not be as tangible as I would like. But again, this is my blog, right?
Lollipop Chainsaw Review
Sensual. Funny. Jovial. And not to mention that there are elements of fan service that appeals to me. This game may not be receiving mainstream appraisal, to me however it is far too enjoyable to NOT claim it first in rank!
(Past Posts: Damsel of the Month, Lollipop Chainsaw MV, Why Lollipop Chainsaw?)
Runner Up:
Asura's Wrath Review
While this game wasn't entirely heavy on the aspect of gameplay, it did serve enough purpose on the story element and when it was indulging in gameplay, it was entertaining enough. QTE is the theme of this said game.
(Past Posts: Currently Playing, I am Enamored, Currently Playing)
BEST RPG: Eventually in the future I want to make it 'Western RPG and JRPG' into two separate category like I did for last year. That is if the case being that JRPGs can actually MAKE a good rpg in this day and age suitable for the need of a much more mature and extensive gamer like me. Truth to be told, what was the biggest JRPG that came out this year? Final Fantasy XIII-2? Suffice to say, while I did eliminate a category in my gaming likes, some games this year like the infamous FFXIII-2 DID help me make a new category in which we'll see later. But anyways, reverting the attention back to the this notion. Role Playing Game. Those three words. With that said, it would be plainly obvious as to why the choices are make are what they are.
Mass Effect 3 Review
Why won't it be Mass Effect 3? Aside from PC games (in which I do not indulge) who else will stand in the way of Shepard and his endeavors? The most complaints I have ever received from this game are either Premature and the uneducated kinds, lousy and rather love lost JRPG'ers, non hardcore gamers, and then there are those supposedly fan of the series who allow the ending to completely annihilate the the past decade the game had offered. Sure, the ending is quite important, but Bioware rectified, didn't they? Unlike games like Final Fantasy where if you don't like the ending its your endeavor lost, Bioware made a effort, and although in the end it didn't please everyone, still! Suffice to say, no words I can say will TRULY be enough to capsulize as to why. Mass Effect is the RPG of the year.
(And there are too many posts relating to Mass Effet 3 that I'll leave this 'past posts' side out of the way for the given moment.)
Runner Up:
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Mass Effect 2?! Really?! As much as that thought would be cool... |
Best Humor: Laughter is universal but the quirk that makes one laugh isn't so much. So what I'm really trying to point out is what elicited a few chuckles and grins in the two games I'm going to lay out will probably not be the best games that will adhere to everyone's sense of humor. And if one must scrutinize the humor that concurs with the two games, it's not that hard to tell that I like the more sexual but over the top humor, with some good use of vulgar and articulate words behind it. So...
Yes. Lollipop Chainsaw made me freakin laugh! The sexual themes, yes was a good perk, but the dialogue is where it's about as well as the overzealous parody in the whole 'zombie' apocalypse hype. There isn't really much to say aside from the fact that the hours I have put in this game was never short of a 'WTF' moments as well as some rather entertaining game time. Hearing Tara Strong say 'What The Dick' is rather erroneously hilarious.
Runner Up:
NONE as well. No other games had humor that stuck out to me like a sore thumb. So suffice to say we shall leave it as it is, just Lollipop Chainsaw getting the said award.
Best Dialogue: Now this is a new topic I started this year. This can be a tricky one as well, but I'll be eloquent about this, it's not so much as the way the voice actor conveys the dialogue, although that has a big facto to it, it's also in WHAT is being said. How words are articulated, what words are being used, and is it cliche and insipid phrases? Or does it have a very rich and thought provoking verbal usage behind it? So, with that said, here we are!
This game is a testament on how gaming should be dictated for the next generation. The last real game to have gameplay, a plethora of good characters, an engaging story that spans through three games, and a real engaging character rapport within side characters and the protagonist regardless of the choices the player makes. A codex that is well written and a good ability to make players comprehend the lore behind it, and with voice acting able to bring forth the character and a well written dialogue that has articulation as well as quirks within each one; well, let's just say, This game is the pinnacle of RPG.
Runner Up:
It's a pity it's one of those games that I didn't beat this Record of Agarest War II (who's to say I won't beat it sometime in 2013?) because of major flaws within the 'flow' of the game. While gameplay itself isn't entirely the most exhilarating, I have always found them engaging enough and there is still that side of me that loves the classic RPG feel despite it being a 'thing of the past' for me. Though the one thing I would say about Agarest War (all three) is that despite the sexual themes, the rather 'too anime'ish' ambiance, looking past all the rather repetitive character personalities, within the dialogue is a rich and very articulate usage of words.
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Believe it or not, articulation is present through wording as well as limb movements! |
Though I wouldn't recommend the english VA, the dialogue when read is rather refreshing for me and something very rare in the gaming industry. If only Agarest would improve on its rather stale story and characters, the perhaps there is hope in JRPGs for me in the form of Record of Agarest War.
(Past Posts: Fan Service: Agarest War)
Worst of the Year: There are games that are just so damn bad that it helped me make a new category for my yearly gaming. I don't think I have to scrutinize the meaning of the topic since it is self explanatory! With that said, let's just list the games, shall we?
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Final Fatnasy XIII-2 |
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Ninja Gaiden 3 |
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Resident Evil 6 |
All three of these franchises used to be enamoring! Now the only erroneous thing that reminds us of what they used to be are the title. The names are what carries them on but inside the package or what not are poorly polished games that shouldn't even BE called what they are called.
Missed Games: These are some of the games this year that came out that I didn't have the opportunity to try out. Eventually next year when they are in a bit more affordable price, I'll be trying them out I hope, but regardless...
Missed Games: These are some of the games this year that came out that I didn't have the opportunity to try out. Eventually next year when they are in a bit more affordable price, I'll be trying them out I hope, but regardless...
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Assassin's Creed III |
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Hitman |
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Prototype 2 |
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Street Fighter VS Tekken |
Game of the Year: It's hardly a contest for me this year because of a myriad of factors: lack of games to my liking, lack of sufficient funds for all the games that I would want to play, lack of motivation to finishing a lot of my games, and the fact that Mass Effect 3 kicked some serious ass! So suffice to say...
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Nuff said. |
(Okay, past posts: Extended Cut, Leviathan, Omega, Mass Effect Trilogy, ME3 Memories, ME3 Stills, Mass Effect 3)
The Unfinished: For a number of factors, there are games in my shelves that have yet to see the light at the end. Some are just not enamoring enough to get me going, while others just got pushed away for reasons I have forgotten or know not. The reason why I still claim them as part of the section is because in some aspect, I still enjoyed them, however I just didn't have that much incentive to beat them. Maybe in a dry season of gaming I'll have my chance. But alas, here they are.
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Tomb Raider Reboot |
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Deadpool the Game |
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Injustice: Gods Among Us |
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Devil May Cry Reboot |
Afterword: Though I must admit that my gaming endeavors had decreased this year since I have started to delve into a hobby that I haven't been as constant and adamant about in the past and that is just this: Writing. So needless to say, the nights when I would come home from work and focus my time on Gaming became more for writing and such. So I'll have to admit that my days this year hasn't exactly been abundant when talking about Gaming; so my choices are sparse this year so maybe things are a bit more biased and lacking a real source of options. However with that being said, I still believe that the ones I have been exposed of this year had given me enough point of views. There was a couple of games I had been waiting for, a few games that came into the radar that proved its worth, but of course there are some disappointment and perhaps a scar in some genres that would perpetuate for years and years. So 2012 has ended and these are the results for me. I can only fathom what would 2013 would give me...
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