Monday, December 10, 2012

My Words On:

Story/Plot: Aria had always been a fairly prominent character in many fans' eyes ever since she came on board in ME2. She is a tyrannical figure that ruled Omega. Well, since Cerberus came into power, Omega was taken from her and she is left stranded in the Citadel where in ME3, she spends the majority of the time in between a maudlin tyrant or a rather spiteful one. This DLC taps into Aria's hunger to reclaim her throne and as Shepard, you accompany her through the Universe's hometown for some of the worse that has to be offered; lawless, brutal, and often lack the need for a paragon. Along with the first female Turian that has ever been introduced in the Mass Effect games, Nyreen, you and Aria are in conquest to rid Omega of Cerberus influence before the final hours of the game. With only your experience through the galactic endeavors as the Great Commander Shepard to guide you, Aria's surging biotic power, Nyreen and her under group known as Talon, the fight to Omega is hell on the abysmal reach of space.

Personally, I didn't expect anything different than the plot that was offered to me, so honestly, it delivered. Could have had a twist or so, although at the end there was a slight unexpected turn, but in the grand scheme of things, it's straight forward.

A Female Turian and no Garrus?!


Gameplay: Not a whole lot changed in this aspect and again, with the praise that ME3 had in regards to its gameplay, of course they didn't need to alter a whole lot. Basically, you are still Shepard in whatever variation you chose to be and you are just shooting your way through a barrage of Cerberus while at the same time keeping in mind that there will be time limits, health bars of partner, so on and so on.

A drone not to be taken lightly unlike their predecessors!
Omega's DLC also added in two new enemies in the form of altered Drones and lab rat Reapers. They made portions of the game a bit more challenging whenever they showed up; using my full biotic female Shepard, it was for sure different than being my Vanguard. The other one I speak of is some sort of Reaper/ Cerberus experiment that the female Turian, Nyreen had a debacle over. I guess out of the gameplay aspect, they wanted to add a bit of struggle within the fresh new character (and fresh gender, I say) when it comes to these Adjutants; though they are hardly interesting in battle aside from the technique of pouncing so graciously towards you, which was a pain in the butt!

The choices in dialogue in regards to paragon and renegade still existed, though the 'QTE' was barely existent throughout the whole game. People's complaints about 'their choices no having any significant weight' for sure is more prominent in this DLC. I would discern that certain events are bound to happen regardless of the certain action, though I would like to try it again once I regain composure to delve into this DLC in the near future.

With the additional content still adhering to the main game's success through the gameplay, one could capsulize as to why I chose the rating I did with this. While missing a few elemental aspects, I won't resolve into maximizing such qualms because the DLC is in a much smaller content in contrast to the main game so certain things HAD to be subtracted (My Words On: ME3).


Missed Opportunities: Mass Effect 3 still has a lingering black eye from the really terse ending that they came up with when the game first came out. Sadly it's a potent stigmata that they could never be rid of, and they lost a lot of fan base because of it. Now while I think it's rather asinine to just leave a game just because of the result of the last 15 minutes (though I do understand the idea of the ending debacle) especially when there were efforts made to rectify, I also believe that Mass Effect 3's additional and not free content has to have a VERY gripping product! I'm not entirely sure WHAT could've been added in to ME3's Omega to make it THAT much better, I do believe that a mere 2-3 hours for the price that was asked, well... that was rather underhanded. 

"More Content! Or I KILL YOU!"
But then again I am speaking rhetorically because all DLC's should have some sort of justice in them in regards to length reciprocating the price. Some contents like Leviathan(My Words on Leviathan) should have been part of the game while Omega is a give or take. Also to echo the flaws in Leviathan, I think there should been additional armor that comes with taking Omega, but sadly, not so much. 

Overall: I enjoyed the DLC, but it wasn't ME3 enamoring. I bought it and it took me several days to actually delve into it so that says something. I would recommend this content to anyone who is a die hard Mass Effect Fan like myself. As one can probably tell, I am a very enthusiastic fan in regards to this franchise, however I am still a bit disturbed by the price in regards to the length. But oh well, I don't learn my lesson and I keep buying, and that's okay. As long as in the end I had some sort of enjoyment out of it, then the money was well spent. Though I was hoping there was more fresh take on the short-lived female Turian Nyreen... sadly...


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