Story/Plot: Starting on the worst end of the stick when it comes to this game. Resident Evil 6's main flaw from my judgement is the story and execution. What was once seemingly a good base starting way back when with the original Resident Evil, which passed on to the second, and I'll even be close to admit that the direction they took on Resident Evil 4 (digressing from the full idea of Zombie apocalypse notion) was in a fair direction. Resident Evil 5 got a bit complacent with the idea that shying away from zombies ... so here comes Resident Evil 6 tying it back in to their roots with four choosable campaigns and a convoluted mess of a story!
Leon and Helena ... Ask a Zombie a question before shooting. |

Their idea was very interesting to say the least. Done right and well, we could've had a very good Resident Evil in our hands, but IF is a big two letter statement. What made it so bad story wise? It was so mixed up and they were everywhere! I mean don't' get me wrong, for the most part I was able to keep up despite the rather unsettling method they used to tell a story. There were times when I was a bit lost in translation like the 'other Ada' for one. Maybe there was something in the Resident Evil mythos that I seemed to have overlooked? I didn't play every single game so suffice to say, there might be some chasms I am unable to fill, however, I am still a bit on the other side of the fence that a game that is trying to be stand alone in its own way should still have the capability of keeping the player in tuned with the story even without the whole facts!
Love stories... |
Or a perpetuated rapport that surrounds itself in side stories and movies... |

So if the base of the story wasn't enough to dissuade me that this game wasn't exactly the zenith of the Resident Evil franchise, the characters themselves seems to have a bit of a loss in translation, or perhaps, asinine and out of character quirks to them. I have Chris Redfield fluctuating from his ever so calm and cool self, to the raging alcoholic and the vengeance ridden idiot he was throughout the whole game, then on a whim was able to shift back to the Chris Redfield that Sheva Alomar spread her loins to. Leon spent a lot of time pointing his gun at a zombie, inquiring and wondering if the Zombie would actually adhere with logical human reaction by stopping all chaotic intention when a gun is pointed at it. We have a Wesker jr and a 'super girl' that I can't help but picture as Sherry from Resident Evil 2 and now all of a sudden a super secret agent? Ada Wong ... now I absolutely adore this girl but her in Resident Evil 6 sends some of her credibility to the pits.

It just seems that there were a myriad of conflicts but they tried to converge it to be one problem that a certain few are tied into. Their attempt to make a game widespread with many different avenues to explore but in the end it was just one campaign told from different point of view; and that may not be a testament of failure, of course not! But execution has to done with flawless hands! Characters also have to be competent from what supposed caliber they came from and there has to be rhymes and reason as to why and not just happening just because.
That's how I felt, Chris. |
In the grand scheme of things I am always one to say there is something to find in a game and enthuse oneself in the fine and small lines. I will say that I enjoyed Leon's somewhat and Ada's was fun because it was Ada. Other than that, I didn't care much for the story ... I wanted it to be over and I wanted to get to the action far more than I wanted to get to know the characters.
Outside the aspect of combat, Resident Evil threw a lot of other components of other games into Resident Evil and I can't exactly say that it helped the game. I mean, one minute I'm killing zombies or mutated chinese terrorists, next thing you know I'm flying a plane and riding in a motorcycle! Partner system seems like one of the 'good things' that came out of RE5 according to al to of people. Never was a big fan. It took away from the whole 'survival' feel. But I do like how playing character over the other does give the player a different view point. Still, partner system seems a bit too unfitting in a 'survival' based game.
I was not lying! Airplane battle!!! |
It just felt off and not to mention it perpetuated the annoyance I felt for the game since I just wanted to beat the damn thing, but here I am flying airplanes and how odd that I HAD to learn a bit of need for speed in the 'racing' part of the game. The thought process is prudent in its own way, however, the way it was all jumbled in there made it so off! One or two 'side games', that's fine. But a helicopter, a motorcycle, an airplane, and then a 'racing' sequence? A bit too much for me. And that's just me speaking in regards to the vehicle side quests/whatsoever; Resident Evil 6 also had a bit of a problem in regards to its camera angle. It wasn't the it was too thin as most complaints were spitting out, although that is one major flaw, it's the fact that it just didn't work for melee!!!
Good thought. Bad finishing. |
So it seems repetitive in my tirade in regards to gameplay that there were a lot of good thought put into it. How it came out to be, well, that was what the problem was. They tried to do too much and the result came out very little to please.
Graphics: Resident Evil 6's ability to showcase Capcom's graphic strength is something to adore but far from being enamored by. It's good, don't get me wrong, I mean, I didn't really complain at all when I was going through the game. The zombies and all the monsters that Capcom laid out for our heroes to encounter are adhering to certain lore that most of us would not like to encounter in an alley. There are a plethora of these beasts and their variety comes in many different forms! From simple zombies, humanoids with insect like form, beasts that are somehow intangible to really describe, then to the more 'nemesis' looking variation, and of course the bosses don't fall short in their zest and Capcom tries very hard to give its hand on making sure we get a fill of these abominations!

Sadly however, that also becomes a bit of a downfall for me. While originality and the seemingly infinite well of ideas are a strong side, Capcom delves TOO HEAVILY on the crazy designs that in their first appearance seems naturally somewhat impressive, but as they got crazier (speaking boss wise for the most part) they just became more and more annoying.
What The Hell?! |

Character design, definitely not the strongest point, but I can't help but notice that graphic wise, they serve their purpose. I've always been a fan of Ada Wong, and the asian double spy is the same gal that I am so enthusiastic about every time she comes on the screen in this game. While no trying to delve into the whole story part with Ada on this section, I'll just talk about how her sass, her rather calm persona was very drawn out in the graphics of the game. But on that same note, visage wasn't always Capcom's main flaw, but their priorities do somewhat tends to lean on some wrong aspects. Ada's (along with Leon's) has health and vigor in them through the way they shine, but they tend to be a bit anti gravity. Wind doesn't damage hair posture because beauty shouldn't be scathed by mother nature's wrath!

Environment wise, yeah it was well done. But then again, the atmosphere is repeated in all three campaign so I would say consistency was one of the strong points in that aspect. CG and in game has a great distinction, but again, I'm not one to complain that much about in game as long as the game adheres to idea of the standard graphics of this day and age. Special affects do well with every intended purpose on the situation, again, Capcom had always been good with their graphics, no doubt about that, however it's pretty apparent where most their effort goes.
Now that's sensually horrifying. That and it can be incest. |
Difficulty: I found this game rather tedious more than difficult. That is my problem as a gamer, when one game loses its zest, I just merely want to finish it for the sake of not wasting my investment and such. So in that sense, I think my need to be terse with this game had been my downfall for some parts of the game. Though having a myriad of weapons to choose from was a blessing that made it so much easier! The perks and the constant barrage of healing items and ammo (though sometimes the replenishment from the game and killing enemies seems sparse) made the game easy enough to manage. The QTE however sometimes proved to be a bit of a hassle than anything else which raised the bar of difficulty for a moment or two.
Ah... choices! Too bad making it a better game wasn't an option! |
The side games became the bane of me at times. I just didn't feel like the game flowed with a need for speed section. That and sometimes the uncooperative camera angles made trained law enforcement and soldiers alike (speaking of the characters of course) inept at their certain forte (and not to mention their not-so-smart actions that are a bit out of character). And if one want to capsulize where my average deaths came from, it's from the out of place side games like the racing and some from the QTEs that seemed a bit redundant.
Voice/Audio: I didn't notice the music enough to give it some thought. It didn't exactly hinder anything for me, but it didn't do anything great. Voice? Well in my honest opinion they did a damn good job. The actors, although given lousy script and as I have already expressed, some stupid choices which also sums up some abhorrent comments, I think they did a good job expressing emotions and voice fluctuation when needed. None seemed to lack any real character and as long as Ada Wong kept her rather provocative tone, the sass and all that, I'm happy. If there was one person in this game that I'll be complaining about is Sherry. Again I have a hard time putting her as this badass secret agent because I remember her as this 8 year old girl that Claire had to rescue 90% of the time in Resident Evil 2. It also doesn't help that she still had the perky voice to pair along with that.
There should be a voice changer option for Sherry. |
Overall: I heard and read reviews that are vehement in how terrible it was. Some people say it's a huge stumble from the 'progress' that Resident Evil did with RE4 and RE5. At first that was a bit harsh, but as I got to feel and know the game, FORCED myself to beat Chris' campaign, and barely found myself enjoying Ada Wong's missions, well, the score I am going to put will be more than Adequate. It's a damn shame too. For the part of the game that felt fun and compelling, there are five other parts of the game that I scoff and detest! I think capcom TRIED too hard to make it something that it was not; they added in a little too much aspects that just doesn't give anything but instead it deters any sort of enjoyment. I mean, yeah, graphics are nice to an extent, but when Ada and Leon's hair are immaculate and shining amidst the chaos of a zombie apocalypse... and then we have Chris trotting about like a dumb muscle head, and we have Wesker's son running about (Can the Wesker legacy die, please?!) as one of the good guys... argh! They either really need to reboot this franchise big time or just let it end! It's like a zombie on its own! It's hanging on to every bit of its humanity but every time it speaks its nothing but unintelligent groans that makes you cringe!
Ada: "I'm still hott!" |
Sherry: "My come back, and it all went to hell..." |
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