Wednesday, January 29, 2014

"Darkness and Light pt. II"

"…My Light in the Dark…"

Years. That's what we've had isn't it? Years. Memories. Pain. Suffering. I'm not going to sit here and truly say that it is not by my hand that this side of you is full of pain and suffering. I don't know if I will ever have it in me to face you without that certain shame… I was something that became less than the light in the dark that you proclaim me to be. In your darkest hours, I became vengeful. In your weakest moments, I became hungrier. In the time that you needed a shoulder, I screamed confessions of anger and rage.

But you came almost every night with a smile. With your joviality; with your spirit… always willing and always ready.

You have always told me that the future is ours to mold and the time we aren't give we make use of for as long as we can… I guess it's time to be that light again. It's time to stop being the darkness. Walk with me friend to the next stage of our friendship. I promise you that tomorrow will be better than yesterday. And when tomorrow comes, I'll make sure I have given you the full scope of my gratitude for you deserve it and more.

To a positive pattern then, my Friend. 7=)

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