Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Currently Playing:

On the verge to seeing this game's "END". Have to admit, this game's fate in the beginning was obscure and I was more than ambivalent in regards to its fun factor. Though reaching 40 plus hours, I am able to astutely give it more constructive and elated criticism! My review for this said game did a complete 180! And yes, the sequel will be in my hands next week!

And then this game! A fighting game rarely has longevity in my contentment these days but I have really have high hopes for this game. Though starting out with some rather intrusive cut scenes, some not so up to par voice acting, and the abhorrent Hawkeye wanna be in the name of Green Arrow, I have to say there is a charm in this game for sure! I am willing to vindicate those few distortions because the fun factor is there! I just have to calibrate my mediocre fighting game prowess!

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