The Figma box this time around is a bit different from the last version of her. I saw the change with Mikasa Ackerman. It's bigger than the old ones, and perhaps there is a purpose for it; Figmas are getting bigger perhaps. So, on to the figure! Let's not sit around and stare at the box all day!
Right off the get go, I do have to say that the decision on this particular outfit is not exactly what I expected. I think for all the Rin and Fate fans, this probably took a lot of them by surprise. Okay so Rin did wear her school outfit a lot and for the good first part of the first season, but it doesn't exactly FEEL like Rin without the red coat. I'll elaborate on that.
But as a figure, she is well done. She does resemble her anime counterpart a whole lot. The new female mold announce seems to be doing well. It also stuck well with Rin's stature in the new anime; she was after all skinny but endowed in the right areas.... yep. The joints are hidden well enough for the most part, but there are some areas that make certain poses look odd. At times her neck joint looks a bit long, but that little problem can be hidden well enough. The paint job is amazing and right to Rin's detail on her sleeves, to her Command Seal mark, and just crisp. Pulling off the color combo does well; Although I do wish Rin's ribbon is a slightly a bit more different color of black; seems to get lost in her black hair.
It's been some time since I reviewed a Figma figure, and I sure do miss it. I have to say that while I do appreciate all this one has to offer, and she does come with plenty of accessories, some of it seems a bit different and doesn't feel 'as complete' like the previous Rin. Well, we'll talk about that but let's just look at the stuff she comes with.
Rin has a variant shoes and glasses. Now I do appreciate the nice touch, but the one thing about the sunwear is that it only happens for 30 seconds in the series. Not sure why they would go ahead and put a thought in this. Nicely done, but again, I think it was a rather insignificant piece. Then she has her alternate shoes which are indoor shoes if we are talking about Japan. Nice touch, but I think this department is rather... almost pointless.
Next are the alternate faces. I have to say that we are given three and we are missing one core expression: Rin's rather confident(or arrogant) face that she has shown more than a few times. What a miss, but the ones we got are adequate for what they are. Her smile face is fitting for all the times Rin was calm and pleasant in the anime.
Next is her angry or shouting face. More of a battle dynamic face if you ask me. Works well with all the action poses I was making her do.
Then the face I could have done without and replaced with her arrogant one: the embarrassed look. She's shown it to Archer and Shiro more than enough times so this one is appreciated. Still, maybe a frustrated or closed mouth angry and again, the arrogant look would have been better.
Then just for a close up of her glasses accessory. It is attached to her interchangeable bangs so the glasses isn't as hard to put on as Mari's was.
Oh and her skirt is very pliable so it doesn't hinder too much leg movement.
One can also get a good panty shot too if you really want. Oh and YES, I love that pose. Rin firing off her magic with that arm posture is just badass. One more thing, I forgot to mention that she comes with the standard Figma stand; of course we all know that. It would be an asinine decision for Figma to not have a stand in their lines from here on out.

Here is Rin in my crowded Anime shelf (one that is in dire need of some purging and consolidating!).
Just so one can get a better look of just how crowded this shelf is! -And- I still want MORE Figma/anime figures in the future?!
As a final word, I do think this figure is very cool. I am a Rin Tohsaka fan so I had to have her. Die hard Fate fans would appreciate her and for all who are just Rin fans, this isn't bad. I do hope they plan on making more of her with the more popular outfit/s, but for now, she's who we have from the Unlimited Blade Works reboot. Again the missed opportunity with the faces, more 'significant' accessories, perhaps the addition of the redcoat would have been better and I wouldn't have mind paying more for those. Well other than that, I don't think I can say much else other than I'm planning on getting Kiritsugu next! oh and on another note:
A Rin Tohsaka 'hot toy'! VERY affordable too! I plan on getting her on my collection soon enough!
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