Injustice: Gods Among Us Review

So here is my first update on the game Injustice! And it's about the new skins available call the "Bad Girls". Basically, it's an update for Catwoman, Harley Quinn, and Wonder Woman! Harley's original skin probably enamors more than enough fans since it is her apparel that she entered the Animated series in that made her canon in the Batman universe. Catwoman's I believe could be discerned as her New 52 costume without the mask while Wonder Woman's "#600" attire is the one that gets the most aspersions from fanboys who adore Diana showing off more skin and shy away from modesty.

There is a lot of fun seeing some of the fan favorite femme fatales in their new threads. Familiar aberrations make a great alluring sight especially when we are talking about the Catwoman and Harley Quinn insinuated rivalry(
February Damsel of The Month). Wouldn't it be fun though if we get a bit of that episode in this game? Now I know, that is being overzealous with the wishes.
Speaking aesthetics with all three, I personally like Harley Quinn the best and despite me not being a big fan of Wonder Woman's revamped attire way back when, I do think it does some good in this game. Sure does a whole hell of a lot better than "Selina Kyle" alternate since that one seems a bit too insipid.
I am hoping for animated Catwoman or Arkham Catwoman sometime in the future! That would be a real awesome fan service! Speaking of Fan Service!
It's a rhetoric question if you ask. Trust me. |
So to answer the subliminal, YES. I HAD TO. |
So back to the topic at hand. The new threads does make an enticing show of beat downs and exuberant super moves or what not against each other and other DC characters in the roster(Lobo was added in, by the way; probably won't get him. Could care less about him).
But despite all of this I am do have my prowess to a certain winged warrior who happens to have the voice of a prominent voice actor as well!

Now Hawkgirl would be the person I am eager to see what her alternate outfit would be. Black Lantern perhaps? Or her not so enamoring animated series version? Oddly enough, I know very little about this character aside from the fact that she is a female version of Hawkman(duh). Perhaps I will do my research sometime soon but she does make a very good playable character for my taste. Until the time she does get her own alternate outfit...
Face... |
...To... |
...MACE!!! |
Satisfaction Level: 7/10!
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