Friday, July 6, 2012

The Words to Define...

It was supposed to be a place where we can shun away our daily dilemma. A place where it would be a welcoming notion to all who are needing to take a break from dealing with the everyday drama the real life has to offer... instead it was the opposite. It brought more disdain, interruptions, more crude and less than welcoming notion to the whole matter...

I'm at a loss of words for I had felt this same crisis but failed to acknowledge it because of the company. But if that company does not share the same perseverance, what if? What will be? But at this given moment I speak only of my dire concerns for I know both are wiling to try. But I cannot help but cringe at the idea that there are still lurkers willing to invade...

The norm had been broken and mostly out of scenarios that can't be helped... however this is a factor. I wish nothing more than bring positive energy to the situation in the hope that I can be a factor in fixing it. For more words than one, it is in need of being fixed because... I lack the ability to manipulate the words I define without it...

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