Sunday, January 22, 2017

Some Thoughts on: Final Fantasy XV

So on this day, my journey in FFXV ended--well, at least the main story of it. There are still things to do. I know I'm a bit late compared to everyone who are fortunate enough to have the time, but you know, I went through the game on my own pace. So what do I have to say? Maybe I might make my own "My Words On"; been a while but I think this game deserves one. Truth to be told, I liked this game; a lot.

Not as much as FFX or FFVI, but definitely one of my favorite Final Fantasies. Among the true Final Fantasy, it marched to the beat of its own drum for sure. The feel was different, and not just because it was a different gameplay, but because it had less Fantasy; after all, a long time ago when it was Versus XIII, they said: "a fantasy based on reality". With that ambiance 'missing', it was hard to put it next to a game like VI or X,  two games from different eras, but two games that still bound itself to the idea of Fantasy.

There were a lot of things to like; the fact that it's a bold new take on a franchise 30 years old, a game that kept to the roots while planting a new seed altogether... I have to say they did an awesome job.

For sure there were a lot of errors, but it had a lot of heart. The characters were something I really enjoyed; some more than others of course. And I have to say, some characters kept the recklessness to a minimum.

There were some characters I wish had more spotlight... and there were so many areas that were just vague that it left us to our own imagination and spin on things. Oh and here's a funny thing on my NoctisxIris shipping:

My own gameplay moment

For sure it had its moments. 

Most of all I want to say that this game takes a turn in my alley and... I like it a lot. This direction shows testicular fortitude, it shows bravery, and it shows that Final Fantasy is willing to step away from their debacles like MMO endeavors or muddled vocabularies like FFXIII. 

A game without its flaws, but a game I'll explore some more. All in all, thank you, FFXV. You have reclaimed your throne for sure. 

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