Sunday, April 3, 2016

Final Fantasy XV: Reclaim Your Throne (trailer)

THIS. THIS (and Elder Scrolls 6) is what I will buy a PS4 for!

Final Fantasy is not an MMO (neither is Elder Scroll) for me. I cannot fathom playing a Final Fantasy (looking at you FFXI and FFXIV) and have a bunch of nobodies try to take my quest with me. I don't care how much 'fan service' or 'story' an MMO has but leave Final Fantasy out of it for me! From what I know, WoW is the king of MMO anyways so Square, abandon FFXIV already and start working on your other Final Fantasies as a single player entity!

Now when I saw the FFXIII trailer some time ago, I had a feeling it was going to be good; but that feeling leaned on the graphics, battle system, and just the overall looks. I was right with the graphics and the beauty of it, but I didn't put my bet on the story and the chemistry. FFXIII, while it held some good things, was a total debacle to the lot of Final Fantasy fans. Well, I feel something good about the story of this game. I feel some kind of chemistry and the battle sequences might very well be what Final Fantasy needs to truly put it back on its mark (wonder how FFVII remake will do?).

Regardless, I am afraid that having only four main characters might take away from the game. Final Fantasy and its 'generic' and always fun 'personality reoccurrence' characters were the bread and butter of characters (A Rikku, Yuffie, Vanille, etc and the other personalities).

But, I will be getting a PS4 on September-ish. Here we go! Preparing to reclaim my damn throne!

"...No I won't be afraid.... just as long.... as you stand... Stand by me..."

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