Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Rage: The Last Vixen

I came from a distant future where things went astray--where thew world that we knew lie in ruins. Morals and integrity are drowned out by the sound of failures and doubt. I came from a thought where I stood alone... looking at the monster that came from our own depiction. 

That future is here and just like that future, I stand alone. I am the last. I am meant to carry the battle on my own. 

Dishonesty. Doubts. Jealousy. Insecurities. Inconsideration. Avarice. Rage. Pride. 

These are the sins that took al of us. These are the words that broke the oath that we all seemingly stood by. The enemy didn't lie in a thousand men.... instead they were within. And the demons broke them all. One by one. They drowned. 

There was another who came with me. She has been part of me for as long as I know. She has been with the other side of the story long before definition came. Actions of regret caused her jealousy to take over... eventually she stood away. Now she is by herself and eventually will bring her own--with him standing adamantly by her side despite his guilt. She is the most caring, honest, and perhaps the most unwilling to fight for what she wants.... blame can't be put on her, but some of the inability to fight is her fault as well.

Then her. The one in this world who truly held the definition, the gift, and the one who would forever bind me in her existence. The One who stands by me in the shadows completely drowned out by her avarice. Inconsiderate at times and so flawed like me... one can say she is the other 'last' as she stands in the distance by my side; warm and ever so exuberant; but she doesn't fight anymore. Not for the times of old... but for what she and I still believe in. 

Then the one who claimed she will be standing last. The one who claims that 'if she could she would want those good parts back in her life' but can't seem to fight for it even if given the tools...The one who became a poison... the one who couldn't fight her own demons after getting struck by their sins. Now she cowers after her fall from pride, claiming her own regret and guilt when she can't face the mirror that reminders her that she isn't the best and perhaps lacks the most despite having the best upbringing.

Then there is me. The rage. The anger. The one who holds them all together or at least used to... until I got lost in the strife of everything going agasint me. Within it all.... I am still here. I am the one. The last. The one who still fights to hold the fragments together despite the others shying away from the battle we all sworn to fight. 

I will hold it all together until I cannot anymore. I will remain to be the last until my avarice takes over and I withdraw within.

But as it is it holds true: I am the last. Fighting the fight that was meant for more than one. 

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