Thursday, January 9, 2014

2014 Prospects

Hot Toy. Silver Centurion. I really want this guy and I already have him pre ordered so most likely he is a full on go. He will probably up there with my 2014 'wants'.

The moment I found out about her, she has been a MUST. So suffice to say, she will be on my roster of Bishoujos!

This BAF is clearly supported by the characters that makes it up. Ultimate Green Goblin isn't that great but with characters like Black Cat, Superior Spider-Man, and some new faces like Ultimate Beetle, this Amazing Spider-Man Hasbro BAF has a lot to offer.

Figuarts got my attention with the Sailor Moon I acquired this Christmas. Now the whole entire roster of the Sailor Senshis are in my crosshairs! Though Mars and Venus are the ones I'm really elated to have!

This Bishoujo was preordered. Really thought she would be a December hitter then I would've had 3 Bishoujos to pick from and it would've been a decent pick between her, Huntress, and FemShep… but looks like she'll be here on 2014(soon too!).

Am I looking at TWO HOT TOYS for this year?! Yes I am and this one is in my sights! Starboost Iron Man! Wouldn't that be something if I gained two this year! Then it would be a 'clash' of the titans with Silver Centurion and this guy!

I'm not 100% keen on Jubilee being the BAF. I mean I like Jubilee don't get me wrong! Especially in her Vampire form but… come on! Regardless, it seems that the pieces to build her are unique to say the least so she might be a must. We shall see.

Well, these are my prospects for this year…. let's see where this road will take us then.

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