Sailor Moon is indeed one of my spoils from 2013's Christmas spoils as I predicted. She has been a long time coming since I have always yearned for a really good and pose able Sailor Moon figure for some time. From my knowledge, none has ever been provided. Bandai was kind enough to jump on that wagon and supply us with their S.H. Figuarts aberration of the Moon Princess with vibrance! So, let's check out the packaging she came from!
Yes, the border of the collage is PINK! If one asks why, then you deserve a Moon healing! Okay, that was corny. So let's just talk about the box before I get more eyes rolling. So with the box design, it's a pretty standard anime/eastern action figure box. Nothing new and all too familiar with how Bandai do their action figure boxes and even Figma does this as well. Again, very recognizable so this part doesn't need TOO much scrutiny. Of course it is Sailor Moon flavored, so that should be a no brainer.
Detail is all there in regards to her first season costume. Nothing was missed and it was down to the tee even to the paint job. All the signature detail like the crescent moon on her boots, the bows on her chest and butt, the collar, tiara, earrings, hell even her brooch has the color details like in the anime! Her trademark hair("odangos?") are even properly sculptured that it is the exact markings of the Moon Princess herself. Again the paint that goes with it is great and the vibrant gloss makes her 'celestial' and indeed a 'pretty soldier'. I like the translucent mark on the tip of her hair as well which again, adds to her rather 'magical' presence.
So talking about her weaponry now, Sailor Moon comes with her classic Tiara Star weapon. The way she holds and throws it in the anime can only be reenacted if it is made as an alternate hand(at least down right) like Bandai did here. That one can really copy the iconic Moon Tiara Star Action of the first season(one that she stopped using as often when the seasons started rolling in).
One detail that was attended to(and should not have been forgotten) is that Sailor Moon has an alternate head that has her tiara off; which makes sense since her said accessory did turn into a glowing sphere. That attention to detail does apply to other accessories as well.
If anyone remember the first season, Sailor Moon's Crescent Moon Wand came with and without the Emporium Silver Crystal. Of course doing some soul searching and seeing Tuxedo Kamen in dire pain thanks to the homosexual Zoycite(spelling?), Usagi found out that she was the Moon Princess and the crystal was finally hers. She attached it to her wand and well, her "Healing Escalation" became a bit more 'powerful'. Again the detail is fantastic with that idea! Two separate wands makes it less of a strain when trying to put a miniscule magical crystal in such a small wand so that's much appreciated! Maybe a bit of 'special affects' would've added a bit more glamor into the whole figure as a whole, but I'm not about to complain fervently when I think the way it is is more than adequate.
I was trying to mimic the scene where Endymion was kicking her little behind and she desperately tried to use "Healing Escalation" to turn him back to the goo goo-love-you-to-death-Prince. Though she isn't as battle scarred.
We've already seen a bit of the alternate faces' use. Capturing some of Usagi's moments(both good and bad) are indeed a whole lot easier with these emotion ridden faces. Serious, winking, smiling, battle face, and crying, the only thing I can ask for is a 'focus closed eyes' alternate. Having that would completely copy the first part of the "Healing Escalation" moment. Minor gripe and a redundant complaint, I'm aware!
Combine the variants for her faces with the alternate hands, one can truly recapture some Senshi moments like the picture above. Who can forget Sailor Moon's speech entrance… seriously how can you? She does it EVERY damn episode. If you forgot it, I should punish you(LAAAMMMMEE).
Articulation is standard. Me saying it just like that does not mean it is insipid or lacking. Being the first S.H. Figuarts I own, I must say that Sailor Moon is highly articulated! Able to produce a plethora of dynamic poses as I have grown to expect for all anime/eastern related characters in their action figure adaptations. The tiny detail such as articulation in her hair is even added, which of course is sort of a must nowadays, but still, with it added ALWAYS uplifts my love for the toys I collect.
Okay so maybe Sailor Moon does not do the 'thwip' thing as Spider-Man does, but with this and the 'Sailor Moon kick' displayed, one can truly get an inkling to just how articulated she is and just how much things one can produce with this toy.
In conclusion, I'm very elated to have this toy. Is she a 'wow' factor? Not that much but she does aim to please. The accessories, the variant hands and faces, Luna, and jut the paint and sculpt of this action figure is just enough to say I am glad I have her. I mean, my prior Sailor Moon toy isn't much to be proud of now considering I own an articulated, well painted, Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon. For all of you collectors out there who happens to be Sailor Moon fans, expect an above mediocre toy! Having her in my possession now, I believe the other Senshis are soon rolling in!
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