Tuesday, April 2, 2013

"It Was A Good Ride"

I finally 'finished' the last DLC of Mass Effect 3 rightfully named as: "The Citadel". Well, truth to be told I beat it a few days ago, but officially went out with a bang with the party that was thrown at the very end. Suffice to say, while the content of Mass Effect have indeed came to an end, I will say that my love and my endeavors with this masterpiece will never be over for me. I will always have my D-pad(or for this day and age, the analog) on this game until I am no longer capable of gaming.

And while the game was not infallible by any means, it offered a plethora of good memories! It will, and always will be part of my top ten. Wouldn't be hard to imagine that it might be on the top three, suffice to say. And mark my words, I have yet to make my final dent on my words in regards to this game. I will continue to perpetuate my need to exfoliate the things that Mass Effect Trilogy has done for me as a gamer and so forth! But alas, some things do 'end' to an extent. So with that said, to the 'final' days of a new content, Good Bye, Normandy! It was indeed a good ride!

A scintillating moment.

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