Friday, December 11, 2015

Masterless and Rage: Twists and Turns

It seems that it just keeps going. It just never ends. Perhaps some of this will be carried on to the new dawn, won't it? 

Sad to say, I think you are right. 

So, how do we go about fighting, when the fight had always been on us? When everyone seems to just buckle, duck, and pretend we are not getting shot at? 

I think that is an interesting question. I don't think I have an answer for that myself. 

Do we ever have an answer so easily within our grasp? Do we truly just figure it all out magically? Nothing is so simple. Everything has to be difficult. That is the way of things. 

And when we are resolute--when we agree that abandon all things that has pretended, we are given twists and turns.

We are given something to think about. We should have just let go.

I should have just given up. 

That's what I'm trying to do. To find one's worth through sins and fallacy is finding one's value through corruption; an ultimate poison. And one is so proud to stand on her two feet claiming that she is now so much better. How do you go about forgiving that? 

Honestly, you don't. It's kind of like you just don't forgive someone who has abandoned you. Someone who has sat there and pretended and tried to be something they couldn't be. But here we are thwarted by the strange things we see in and out of dreams. 

Are we the only ones just? 

We're not even that. I think we're just as insane as the idiots that are lurking about. The biggest difference is that we seem to care a bit too much more than everyone else. 

Yeah. What a conundrum this is. Everyone cares so fucking less and we are left to pick up the shambles that they leave behind. 

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