Saturday, October 31, 2015

Damsel of the Month(Halloween Edition):

Artwork by Kachima
I know, I know, I'm getting a bit behind in this endeavor. I haven't technically picked a single damsel for a bit, and I'm not sure if I can do that every month with how crazy thing have been! Regardless, I will try to at least keep this thread alive! This monthly little theme I have going on might not be as 'focused' as it used to be, but I want to keep doing it! I will get back on the roll eventually. But this month's theme is "halloween". Now, most damsels I have picked are in costumes... obviously. But let's just keep it the spooky theme, shall we? Bats. Spiders! Black Cats! Get the drift?! So...

She's had her month before! Check out how this Dark Stalking femme fatale in her own Distress(Link under the pic! Credit to the artists' on her own section; same can be said about the next few gals too!). She's a succubus! She's something that bumps in the night! Or should I say: 'mmmpphhh!' in the night?

I have blogged about this gal and will continue to do so because she deserves every single slot of sexiness I can give in this place! Shame LoZ hasn't done a DiD of her in ages... might ask... So yeah! Spider-Woman! She fills the theme of Spiders, doesn't she?

Batgirl/s... Batwoman. Yep! Can't be a halloween without these gals! Yeah I picked Stephanie Brown! So what?

Black Cat
Not into GiDs, but I thought I'd put a Goblin in the mix! So Green Goblin takes the Goblin mastermind and Felicia will be our Kitty(as she was last year's Damsel of the Month). Oh look, extra Spider on the side!

Harley Quinn & Catwoman
Can't have a halloween masquerade of cats without Selina! And we'll bring Harley Quinn along for the ride too! Nice.


So that concludes my Damsel of the Month! Next month is Thanksgiving month and I'm not sure just how much time I am allowed with how busy things will get... hopefully I can find some time in between all the things going on and hopefully I can actually pick a single damsel. If not, well, we'll find something.

Other than that, Happy Halloween everyone! Trick a damsel into some lovely bondage game and give her a little treat!


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