Thursday, November 12, 2015

Simply Put

Every effort was suppose to reduce the disdains and the agony, instead every time there seems to be something else that wants to keep crippling me.

I'm not sure where things are going now. Who really are there for me. Everyone seemed to be lost, silent, or taken by the events of everyday. Life is... simply put... cruel at times. I'm afraid that despite the resilience, despite my need to keep on trying, it just keeps hacking down. Every month. Every week. Every day.

Where's that One More Day? Where is that meaningful deal that I can make to undo what this has come to be?

I have depleted myself. Given a whole hell of a lot of sentiments and in the end... no one knew what to do with it, squandered it, or simply... forgot what it truly means.

Where does one go now when the dream is dead? 

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