Monday, May 22, 2017

The RED: To These Nights. To Those Days.

What is this? What's this new addition to an already awesome set up? Do I have room?Well... it's a little bit more complicating than that.

So this correlates with this. To those who follow my blog for the sake of my figures, I am indeed going through some changes! But I'm not adding anything to the awesome red room, I'm actually changing up the scenery. So yes, I'll be doing a few more updates on how my room is looking more than I am going to be doing reviews; in fact, I might not be doing some reviews for a couple of months.

Which, let me tell you, that means I am going to be behind! But look at the progress~ Started with the closet first and foremost! Gone is the X-Men, CU, Spiderverse shelves! Will keep you guys posted for sure ( for those who actually still follow this blog, anyways). 

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