Name: Rin Tohsaka
Series/Game: Fate Series(Zero, Unlimited Blade Works, Stay/Night, etc.)
Some Words: I already have Rin as part of a
previous Month some time ago. As part of the Damsels I wanted to '
tie up' for this year, Rin deserves a major do over since I have gained a lot more knowledge about her since last putting her on bondage! Basically, Rin is a mage in a world where Mages do battle for the Holy Grail. They have servants whom they make a pact with.... and so forth. I won't go in depth about it since that isn't what we are here for. What we are for is... well... let's go to it.
Those two are both screenshots for the Unlimited Blade Works movie 2010
and Series from 2015. I will recycle some of the images from my previous Damsel of the Month dedication to Ms. Tohsaka of course! One of the things I found hilarious on both anime is that they never addressed how the heck she wasn't able to use her magic or call Saber since she isn't gagged.... it's what she needed, honestly. A good little gag. Rin is quite talky. As LoZ demonstrated on the side art, that's how you keep a mouthy mage silent! And gagging her with her own stockings is quite sensual and humiliating, I bet for the young mage! But as long as it does the job, it's only a win-win for us, right?
And from the older anime. I'll keep bouncing back and forth between these screen caps since I have plenty of them.

We already talked about Rin's personality a bit. She is outspoken, brave, and just downright bitchy when it comes to it. Thing about it is though that she is has a pretty good courageous heart. She has good intent for the most part and she is trying her best to upkeep the honor the Tohsaka house while trying to be as honorable as she can. She actually dislikes most of what the Grail War rules implements. She doesn't like it when innocent people get hurt, thus how she ended up getting even closer to Shiro. She is pretty confident as well, as I mentioned before, almost like Asuka but a bit more mellowed down. She seems to have a habit of blushing more often than not; especially around Archer and Shiro (who are of course ....).
Forgot the source of these pictures, but I do remember they come from a pretty dirty site.
She needs a gag for all these shenanigans! Can't have her shouting some spell, can we?
Thank you!

As far as outfits go, Rin has her signature red and black ensemble. The red blouse with the 'cross' on her chest, the black skirt, the black thigh high stockings, and the dark mahogany like shoes. She also wears her hair in twin pigtails. If you ask me, she likes to tease when she's casting spells. That 'signature' outfit of hers does some justice to seem panty shots! She also has two other outfits that she wore; her school girl uniform which she wears a red coat over it, and I believe her 'casual' outfit that she wore for the majority of the second half in Unlimited Blade Works.
Both of these lovely pictures are drawn by
D-Mizton. They both show her two outfits that were prominent in the Stay/Night and the Unlimited Blade Works series. Same tie, one has more refined skill and more restraint, obviously.
And that's a variant outfit that she never really uses from my knowledge. I wish she had others in her school girl outfit with the red coat. She also had a 'modern' adult look in the epilogue which wouldn't have been that bad. SPAM TIME!
AND.... I wish there was more of this picture in 'full glory':
Looks like Saber got the upper hand and is ..... letting Rin just sit there and watched helplessly and gagged too!
Face so 'calm-angry'.
AND.... I am not going to post the whole thing since it gets
really lewd, but I will post the few that I think were still sexy but on my borders. Basically, someone from this
site had talent to draw
and did an alternate scene:

And I would imagine Rin's reaction to this alternate scene (which I'm sure the scene that Shinji was going for anyways):
Again, take a gander at your won risk! It gets REALLY dirty. Oh... and the bondage ends after a certain scene... boo. AND NO GAG?!. But it was a great look into it.
So Rin is a real gem! I have to concoct some kind of DiD fic out of her one of these days since she has reached my top favorites as an Anime girl and not just looks now. The anime itself, both Zero and Unlimited Blade Works is probably one of the best things I watched recently and it developed two sexy damsels (Saber being the other). So, as part of the redone Damsel of the Month, I think Rin deserved it! Next month... we'll see who to do next. Hope you all enjoyed it! Did a lot of spamming and screen shots here!
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