Monday, August 10, 2015

ML Hobgoblin BAF: Daredevil

A Marvel Legends in review for August and it's none other than Daredevil! A little bit of fact: I used to be a big fan of Daredevil. I like his concept, his costume, what he can do, what he can't do, and I Just loved his ambiance. Over the years I started drifting away from him, but I always thought he was cool; even better when Iron Fist took on the Daredevil mantle for a bit. Fast forward a bit more, here we are with a new Daredevil Marvel Legends and it happens to be a part of the Spider-Man Hobgoblin wave! So how is this figure?

Nothing really special with the box so we're going to move on. Hasbro, I wonder what your next box is going to look like though...

Daredevil is as simple as they come when it comes to costume; the man is red all over with a few different shade of red to contrast the dominating blood red. The Double Ds(Ha ha! Wow that is hilarious) on his chest are matching red as his belts, eyes, gloves, boots, and weapon holder. Other than his chin, everything about this Daredevil is simple and adequate. He is using the same mold we have seen dozens of times before; sure wish they covered the 'shield' hole on his back so it's not blatantly obvious that it is a familiar Bucky Cap. Though overall, I have no complaints with this figure as a it is with the mold and paint(I'd sound redundant if I talk about lack of paint details; wonder when will Hasbro vindicate us of those complaints!).

The other complaint I have is the lackluster in the accessory department. Also, I'm more than sure that Daredevil came with red sticks. Wish they included an alternate 'wired' version that is signature to Daredevil's means to travel across Hell's Kitchen. Bleh. Suck-y department.

His articulation is pretty recognizable and still has the great features and the flaw. I won't go overboard with the scrutinizing, but do understand that if you are familiar with Hasbro Legends, this will come with no surprise. Take that as a bad thing or as a good thing, be content, or rage for a change, it all really depends on how you see this character and your rapport with the Marvel Legends line. I think it's decent in this department, but it's not something I'm impressed, I'm more 'content'.

The other 'feature' this figure gets is the ability to either have his sticks held by both hands or,

combined together and held as one 'weapon'. Same perk as Hellcat; though I'm sure from what I know about that feline character that Matt Murdock over here has the comic canon weapon and hers was just for 'fun' for the figure. So with all that said, I decided to have a bit of 'fun' with some old rivalry and love life:

The love of his life, Elektra, is in distress due to Bullseye's evil ways(wish this actually happened in the comic books).

He came in right on time!

Gave Elektra the opportunity to snatch her sai and help her boyfriend beat Bullseye to a pulp(Elektra actually never got free as a figure. She remains as one of the Damsels in my villain shelf).

Kingpin and Daredevil; classic rivals! 
In conclusion, this figure is mediocre. I do love the fact that I have him now because I've always wanted a much better Daredevil than the figure I once owned. Again I am not disappointed or bummed out because I knew what I was getting into... But you know. Eventually Hasbro has to step up their game. 

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