Another one of my spoils from Christmas 2013! Playarts Kai delivers us a very anime influenced aberrations of our favorite DC characters! With Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and Flash getting some eastern make over, it's more than obvious that Batman would be getting his version and here it is! I have to say, what a Fantastic addition to my game room!
These DC lines from Square Enix has the title of 'variant' for the simple reason that they are the anime version of our beloved DC heroes. There are a lot of backlash and negativity in regards to what Square Enix has done to some of the iconic DC super heroes(villains yet to be announced, if ever). My main qualms would be Green Lantern's design but overall, I am intrigued with some of them. Batman obviously done quite nicely. While staying true to his ominous presence, he is given a bit of a 'vamprie-slaying' look to him, or at least very vampiric elegance to his designs on this said armor. His cape and cowl still looking very Batman'ish also has the variant flare to it. The 'grappling hooks' on the end of his cape is indeed a good touch. Details are indeed extravagant and beautifully done that I can't capsulize how well it is done with my words. So the gadgets provided with this figure…
First off let's talk about accessories and alternate hands. Batman doesn't have as much as I wish he would considering it is the Dark Knight who is most popular for having gadgets to take on a small brigade. Just three weapons/gadgets and only three alternate hands which equals five total with the two he comes equipped with already. Would it have hurt to make it six total? I mean he can only hold his weapons on his right hand which is kind of a downer. Though this recent addition of the Playarts Kai stands is a plus. It requires a bit of assembly(I had a bit of a time at first but I am more than confident that when/if I assemble another one it'll be easier) but the final product is more than worth it!
The Batarang is probably the most disappointed part of his weaponry. I like the gold tint but being next to the 'gun' and his katana, I feel like it doesn't really do much. It would've been nice if he can hold his weapons on both hands so a mixture of both Batarang and katana would've been a good mixture. Sadly, not able to be done.
In the Dark Knight Rises movie, Nolan's Batman holds a gun. I'm not sure what it did since I didn't watch the damn thing completely(still proud of myself!), but I think this gun is highly influenced by that movie's gadget. It looks cool enough and I doubt it can be a grappling gun with how it is shaped… but again, it is Batman variant we are talking about!
My favorite weapon that came with this action figure! Of course I have an affinity for samurai swords so him coming with one is always a plus! It's rather long as well so again, anime themed. I am assuming the gadgets on his thighs are retracted version of these katanas or something. If that's the case he has six katanas sculpted on him.
Playarts Kai figures are not light by any means so their stands has to compensate for their weight. The stand that came with this figure delivered. It allows for dynamic poses like the one shown above or even …
With a cape like that, it is only right that Batman is allowed such 'floating/gliding' poses! The clamps holds firm enough and if the 'head' joint of the said stand becomes loose, one can always tighten! I'm pleased with the stand suffice to say! And I'm sure there are more poses that can derive from this stand, but I kept it basic but zestful enough for pictures.
Of course articulation is a big deal with an import (and expensive) action figure such as this! IT has all your standard flexibility and wide array of movement that I have experienced from previous Playarts Kai and then some. In fact, a lot of his movement reminds me of the Batman Arkham Asylum figure that I own! While the joints are firm and 'click-y', they are as I said: firm and able to hold a pose on the whim. Some areas are a bit awkward and requires a bit of fixing to get the right idea for the pose, but one can really work some dynamics if one tries hard enough. And of course the cape articulation! Like the previous Batman toy Playarts Kai I own, the cape movement is what got me so hooked on him! This variant delivers! The one thing that does get to me if I am to have a gripe about his articulation is that his upper chest joint seems to be too loose to hold the weight of the cape. Some poses doesn't stay because of how 'heavy' the said cape is so that is a little bummer. Other than that, no real complaint with his movements.
The box is huge for a reason. The difference between Playarts Arkham Asylum Batman and this Variant Batman is more than obvious. The scale doesn't go well with the other Batman Playarts Kai line but if one does collect all of the other variant DC characters, I guess one will have concurring figures.
In conclusion, this addition to my game room is indeed worth the praise. Great detail and paint job, unique and note worthy take on the Dark Knight, fantastic articulation, and most of all the addition of a great and durable figure stand! These figures aren't exactly on the cheap side so if one has/wants to fork up a good $70-$80 then do know that one does get what s/he pays for. While Marvel dominates action figures in my opinion, there are a few and far between that DC comes out with is something to be enamored about! Seems like the Playarts Kai variant are one of those.
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