Her box isn't as wide and as 'wow' as the Evangelion ones but again holding true to the color scheme of Persona 4, which seems to be a whole lot of yellow, more or less. It does have the standard side picture of the figure and then the back show casing some of the poses the said figure can get into while the front being the window case box. I swear though, these boxes can be really deceptive on how big the figure could really be.

Of course the trademark fan also adds true to the element of what long time fans of the character/game would expect. Again, I have VERY little knowledge to her and the game mythos, but I do know that for her to have her fan is like Iron Man needing his repulsor blasts. It's a signature! It has to be part of the figure so the owner would be able to duplicate some of her rather sensual pose or some of her action scenes.

To capture her famous signature pose and dynamic actions, articulation has to adhere and a proper stand has to be part of it and again, this is where toy company like Figma doesn't fall short! The stand at first I had a bit of doubt since her hair isn't exactly made out of pliable material that we saw with Mari, but it ended up fine. The other thing I was curious about before I opened the box was her skirt(no, not a pervert thought!). Luckily my worries are resolved since it is made out of bendable material and there is a 'cut' on the side to allow her legs to move higher without hinderance. The action scene on the right with her kicking was done with ease! Articulation, stand, and pliable clothing made it quit possible. I'm sure there are a myriad of other things one can do to make more dynamic things, but I didn't dive into it that much.
Her variant faces were okay. The angry/action and the sweet/smiling faces are the ones I used the most. The embarrassed/blushing variation stayed on the side lines for a bit. Had to force a couple of her pose just to use that face. Again, I'm sure there are options to use with it, but I found myself not very interested. Her three pairs of glasses were mediocre to me. Yukiko did wear glasses, but most pictures I have seen off her is without, but again, I like both looks. Though the one thing odd is…
No real idea what was the point of these goofy glasses. Perhaps she did use it at one game or perhaps in the one I played and I just missed it. I guess more than anything it's for laughs. Won't be using that too much!
All in all, Figma delivers here again. I have no real major complaints to this figure. Again, I was enamored with the character which is what got me to buy Persona 4, and then being into Figma as of late, here I am with this figure. Articulation, hands and faces variations, character driven accessories, detailed and well molded figure… and the list can go on. It's what one would expect from a Figma and I'm glad this one didn't disappoint. Fan of Persona or Yukiko who are also into collecting can get something of this. Honestly, it's one of the cheaper Figmas out there so to me the pros more than outweighs the cons!
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