Friday, April 5, 2013

Iron Man 3

There is something to be said about this movie. It may be the final mark of a now inextricable face of Tony Stark which is Robert Downey Jr. There are hard hitting rumors that Mr. Downey may not be the Iron Avenger for the Avengers 2 movie set to be released in 2015. If that is the case, then this movie is even more of a prominent installment to the Shell Head's movie-verse. Regardless of the fact, there are many things that I am more than exuberant about when it comes to this movie. For one, we are introducing Tony Stark's ascension from a 'big man in armor' to a hard hitting pompous Iron Avenger(comic book wise anyways; movie aberration is yet to be seen if it adheres to that notion): Extremis Armor.

Extremis Armor!
Now the distinction between comic book and movie armor had always accentuated that the movie-verse's role is to be a stand alone entity with of course some major influence from its comic book counterpart. The armor alone that is donned "Extremis" has more than enough to signify that.

The images above are a Extremis Mark I(The 'Civil war' Armor, suffice to some people) and the Extremis 2.0(Bleeding Edge, or Heroic age armor, pick the poison, I suppose). They may look similar to the movie-verse armor, but again, they could be a different mark altogether. Regardless, it does look good in my opinion. the other things that did sprout out from the movie that may force some mastication(hahaha) of words from some comic-nerd-taboo ridden geeks are the possible homage of his 'hall of armors' showcase!

The Silver Centurion is one good example of a VERY popular armor that adorned Tony's stature during his early days. The second to have silver in the scheme as well, of course his VERY first appearance being the one to have the silver aesthetic first.

And I could be wrong, but this could be the same armor. Might be faux interpretation honestly! Though it could be the big 'arc ray' and the red and gold that is throwing me off. But they have revealed a whole hell of a lot more and there are others still remaining in enigma("Gemini Armor"). Can we have a fan service in the name of Hulkbuster anyone?

Some comic book exclusive names are also making appearances to accommodate for the story of the Extremis! Also, there are a LOT of rumors that Pepper might actually get her OWN 'Rescue' armor! Truthfully, I just saw her 'rescue' Tony Stark after being rescued BY Tony Stark. Yes, what an oxymoron. And of course the antagonist!

Mandarin is also in the big screen. Though I am not impressed that Mandarin is not casted by an asian actor since Mandarin is CHINESE! But again, premature opinion that might possibly change once I see the movie. Well, that's all for my jabber about Iron Man 3 which will be out in a month! Can't wait! Hopefully I am not disappointed!

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