Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Testament of Rage...

There are so many ways to reflect. I can discern that I am by far still a perpetual energy of rage when certain things don't exactly go 'my way'. I can't fathom if there will be a day that I can't remain as I am... I can't exactly say if the gamut of tragedy will perhaps break my inhibitions... or perhaps one day the bonds that define 'me' will no longer be mine to appraise...

What If...

(Unknown Artist, but this is bad ass. Good job!)
What if that storm ends and no one sees me as I was? What if in the end I am what I have always been a testament of rage lacking a collected mind? And what if I don't just untangle the bonds that define us but I cut through it with a vehement mentality of disdain?

Then I'll become just that....

Somebody that they used to know. Addicted to a certain kind of sadness. I don't even need a resignation for my end... it's done for me.


What if?  What if other side of the Gemini goes past the point of volatility and just becomes a testament of Rage. Perhaps I really do need to bow out for a bit? And clutch the 'pursuit of happiness' in another avenue, so to speak?

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