Friday, November 16, 2012

Supposed To Be...

one of the best.

That's what was I was supposed to be, right?! RIGHT?! Then why was I just a mere apparatus to simply sketch out a better YOU? Your inability to function a more suitable persona was then put on me? Was I supposed to be a symbiotic rule while the others get all the fun, the plight, and all of the things that villainous and distressing rapports are supposed to get? Is that what I am then?! So here I am now left with the notion that PERHAPS ending it prematurely would be wise. But that same notion.... so many things will fall with it. 

If its wasn't ever vocal about it.... even the second in line can cause distortion, and here I am in the blemish of the fiction I live...

No longer. No more.

I was just a shadow. The ink so you can stab me with your quill and write your own fantasy while the reality was that everyone else was getting the concurring rapport. 

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