Thursday, October 1, 2015

...One More Day...

I wish I had one more day. That One Day. The chance. The privilege. A chance to perhaps take away the time that wasn't meant to be. The time where I can't be this anymore. Where this present day that I gained is not what it is.

I want that One Day where I sacrificed things back then. Endured things back then. I want to have done the things that would have made my future stable, fruitful, different, and where I can be frivolous without any care in the world.

I want that One Day where I can go back and undo some of the memories, the thoughts, and the emotions that I have gained being me.

I want that One Day to perhaps close the bridges, the roads, and all the access to people who I can't talk to as friends. People who aren't there. People who are happy now even without me there.

I want that One Day where I don't have to depend on the company of others. Wait for others. The time where I have myself, my extravagance, and all the riches and materialistic things I could ever want and more.

I want that One Day where I could keep my word and others don't have to lend me theirs because they are also fragile, inextricably filled with pain, and to the moments where my words are the only thing I could use to truly make me feel alive.

I want that One Day where the vow didn't exist. Because vows doesn't define the happily ever after; nor does it take away the feeling of being a pariah of my own home.

I want that One Day where I didn't set a life up for failure. That alternate path where my avarice could be free because deep down inside I am just that... greedy and self indulging.

I want that chance. I want One More Day...

It's too much to ask I know. It's too much rhetorical wants and needs.

But One More Day........

Wouldn't that be the catharsis I have been yearning for all these years? 

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