Monday, December 16, 2013

Transformers: Grimlock

It's been a long while since I was REALLY into Transformers action figure. In fact, I'm not even a testament of a Transformer collector despite me having a handful. I have 2 shelves in my 'hidden' area of my Game Room and it's quite filled, so what makes me not a "real" Transformer collector? Well, I don't know how to transform 80% of what I have back into their vehicle form and for the ones with Beast Forms, I can do it twice as long as the average kid these days that asks Mommy or Daddy to buy them a toy. Basically, I'm a bit of a 'poser' when it comes to Transformers. Regardless of deriding fact about me, I do know what I like and what looks cool. Dinobots are a popular trend in the Transformers world both the new and the old so Grimlock, the Tyrannosaurus Rex leader of the said robots is of course a MUST have!

There was a time that I collected Transformers and left them in their box. It was a VERY brief moment because if one has Transformers, they TRANSFORM them. So here's Gridlocks' box. Nothing really spectacular except the fact that the back of the box has a pretty cool 'model' figure with some great paint job! And when I mean 'great', it is WAY better than what we get with the figure. Let's explore that.

Transformer toys always have an 'awkward' tone to them. A lot look cool, some just awkward and details sometimes are a bit too diluted considering. Grimlock is mediocre in contrast to his game counter part. While didn't play the game myself, I think he had a bit more flare to him in the game. And while his details front wise isn't 'that' bad, the back has a bit less sight for sore eyes. A lot of the 'storage' look is present in his back side with all the extra part of the Dinobot form like the head, the 'tail', so forth and so forth. There is always an 'empty' space visible which makes the back less appealing to look at and display. Curse of a Transformer toy however and more or less it's something that has to be given a 'blind eye' to.

In robot form, Gridlock can rightfully hold his sword and shield. I remember him having a sword in the old cartoons but the shield is something foreign to me. Again must be an in-game paraphernalia or something. If I was to guess, they are trying to simulate an energy base form; now if only the paint shading made it a bit more exuberant, it would have a lot more better affects than what it has.

Now on its own, the articulation deters it for the dynamic pose that would make him a bit more enamoring. He is a bit 'clunky' and very mundane in terns of pose ability. Again with the paint details, it's really hard to get a bit more pictures with him without feeling so bored with the pose. So I suppose it's time for his 'other form'.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex form was the one I was looking forward to the most. Again the Dinobots gained some good popularity because they weren't just robots in disguise of cars anymore, they are Robots who TRANSFORMS into Dinosaurs.  Gridlock being the leader of them, well suffice to say he gained the Tyrannical great reptile. Sadly, this form wasn't as 'roar' as it should've been. The detail s is pretty much on the same wavelength as his robot form which is mediocre to say the least. It's good looking don't get me wrong but the pain job and that hindering voice that keeps telling me that "there could've been more" keeps accentuating the little flaws that is visible. And if the details wasn't enough to add some dejection, the department of pose ability is where he really fails to impress; just like his robot form. But it's the Dino form that really sets Dinobots apart from the rest of the transformers and with it lacking exuberance...

He lacks articulation first and foremost. And the one stance I would love to put him in is some kind of 'roaring' position was robbed of me because of his articulation and the fact that his underneath where his belly lies is a chasm; no details, no nothing. That and his mouth doesn't have the adequate movement because of this function:

One has to press a button and his jaw will open and the light will turn on. Not a bad gimmick, but for a collector who merely poses his toys, it doesn't do me any justice. Sadly, his dinosaur form doesn't offer much of an exuberance for being a toy I have longed to have.

Still my new Gridlock is indeed an upgrade considering what I have prior! Size, detail, articulation, transforming fun factor, yes indeed my new one wins the challenge.

All in all, I am reminded why I am not THAT big into Transformers anymore. It's really not a horrible toy despite how I scrutinized it however it's not my favorite. I would hope that in the future that Gridlock gets a better upgrade. It lacks real paint detail, articulation, the empty spaces really nags me as well. I'm glad to say I finally have a 'up-to-date' Grimlock figure that doesn't look so jovial and comical, but still I might one day pay a few more extra bucks to get a better one(maybe). 

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