Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Superman & Batman vol. 2: Supergirl

I did mention that there is something about the Lost Daughter of Krypton that is rather alluring, did I not(Catching My Attention). I know, I'm a bit behind since the 'first appearance' of Kara was way back when in 2007, but one can't fully admonish me because I wasn't really into DC until the revelation of the New 52. So at any given rate, here we are now and I'm 'catching up' with the lore of Superman's cousin.

The first few 'days' of Supergirl was introduced with the 'Trinity's'(or actually the powerhouse duo of Superman and Batman) second volume which was called: 'Supergirl'. Truthfully, I never really found out about this graphic novel until I watched the movie adaptation. Michael Turner was the main artist for the book and there is something whimsical and alluring about the way he draws women; he did justice with Supergirl, though some of his men look a bit odd. Perhaps he is one of those that is just more adaptable to the female side of the art. Regardless, overall it was good to look at and Batman looked like Batman. The art wasn't something to abhor but again I was more impressed with his female drawings than I was with his men. Or maybe perhaps I'm not the biggest fan of looking at Superman in his old red underwear-Tights-cape-classic apparel.

The story puts Supergirl into the spotlight in a way that is, sad to say, cliched. Though I won't disdain completely since it is a good way to introduce the newly formed Girl of Steel into DC universe in that time. Apparently a girl who has more power than Superman(the ship has modified yellow sun rays in them so she spent a lot of time super tanning), the likes of Batman and Wonder Woman both concurred that her powers cannot just go uncheck and she needs proper training while Superman nonchalantly just wants to introduce her to the world the same way that he was. Regardless of the fact the Man of Steel and the two had qualms with the two options and even Kara herself is not even allowed a choice since they just see her as a naive and super powered teenager. And Super powered is just the thing that a certain someone sees in her.

That's a lot of booty. Wonderful.
Yup, none other than the Thanos of the DC universe, Darkseid. While everyone of course wants to lead this young gal to the good road whether through formalities of feminine military or civilian triviality, Darkseid who delves into evil doing with great vehemence, of course wants to raise the would be Supergirl as an entity of pure evil. The untapped powers in his opinion should be standing side by side with him in Apokolips(with Granny Goodness... lol). Of course the Trinity would have nothing of the sort and when Supergirl was taken in by Darkseid(a huge battle occurred in which I'll just keep the details out of sight), they implore a former Apokolips resident, Barda(for a pretty girl, that name sure is cringing) and the four of them invade Darkseid's ball of fire of a planet. 

After all is said and done, Kara finally dons the famous-sensually-panty-shot-skirt-filled Supergirl outfit.  Well, another fisticuffs transpires between Darkseid and the Man of Steel, but we'll skip that as well until I do the comparison between the movie and this graphic novel.  The whole JLA and the myriad of other popular teams of DC at that time are introduced to the new Supergirl and well, the endeavor of a young lost Daughter of Krypton begins. The first of her series is called 'Power' and I read it as well and sometime down the road I will be doing a recap on it. As for this graphic novel? Again I enjoyed it. Art overall had the proper aesthetics though watching the movie first, I was a bit torn since I did enjoy somethings in the movie more than the book; regardless, if anyone wants to get to know the new Supergirl before the New 52, this book offers it. I'd say for the price I paid after a few so years, it was damn good.

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