Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The Chrono Trigger OST


Music to my ears. Literally. Chrono Trigger is perhaps a testament of what Jrpgs used to be in regards to the core of their story. No other RPG (aside from FFVI) from the east has given a resounding story as jovial, as dramatic, and as engaging as Chrono Trigger (for me). Probably a big factor to the ambiance of the way the story is told is the music for sure. This was jrpg music was in its prime and by God, the nostalgia, the inspiration, the emotion that profusely pours from each track!!!!

It comes with 3 discs of rather cathartic tunes in my ears. In between the limbo of the past when I was young and playing this, and in the times when I was starting out to write and finding motivation, suffice to say, having this WHOLE playlist on my iTunes is AMAZING!

Again. Awesome to have on the Christmas List. What makes it even more awesome is that it was in my Christmas Stocking!

Marle's theme (ending and regular), Crono's, Frog's, victory fanfare, Secret of the Forest, Green Memories .... and so much more! I love this OST!!!!!

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