Wednesday, October 10, 2012

My First hand...

This is my first try... I actually like this BUT...

I had an epiphany the other night.... well not an epiphany when someone actually states a certain notion and refuted the doubts that had been lingering in my mind about a certain thing... I have said this once and I will say it again as a certain Humor...

"The Irony of this is as Stark as Tony can create."

Yes; Iron Man innuendo there! Nyuck nyuck!

So as I stated in the caption, the said picture was my first idea... however since the signature had to be a certain size, I can't exactly include everything that I want! The dynamic and posture of these two are sensual, romantic, and far more tantalizing that cutting things off is not to my liking, HOWEVER... there were guidelines I had to abide by in regards to size So... this is the final product...

Again, a lot of got deleted. But as long as the emotion was captured... well...  I guess in the end it's as canon as one would fathom. =)

Another version...
I'm proud of how it came out; Sig making isn't that HARD as I thought... just tedious and requires a bit of a mindset. that and photo bucket was being a bitch at times.

PS, Image is a fantart (I think!) from Persona 4 of the characters Yukiko and Chie.

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