Monday, May 14, 2012

The Avengers Movie Breaks Records!

So this is kind of a late post, but needless to say I watched Avengers about a week and a half ago. My verdict? Do I need to say anything?! The movie was just damn awesome! Everything about it was just too good to be put into the big screen. I'm probably going to watch it again and might make a review about it. But I do have to say that the damn movie broke a lot of records! As rightfully as it should!

NEWSMarvel.Com Article

There are a few little complaints here and there. One of the more gripes I heard that it seems to be 'Iron Man and the Avengers' kind of deal. Well, there are some truth to that, but Come on? Who is the best damn actor there?! And who is one of the most badass in the team?! Okay so maybe I'm being biased... but they all had their spotlight. Hulk is the funny one. Black Widow is the eye Candy. Hawkeye is probably the coolest movie rendition of the comic book! Thor and Cap? They were still cool but they didn't stick out. I'm just freaking glad they didn't put Wasp and Giant Man.

And Thanos?! Really?! Boo ya! And here's another kicker that is awesome in this movie:

A little bit of a 'D.I.D' who isn't distressed at all and far from being a Damsel. But hott anyways! Welps! that's a bit of my ranting. Until next time!

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