Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Disney Showcase: Frozen Fever Elsa

Well, I did say I had a pretty cool souvenir from my Disneyland trip, didn't I? I wasn't going to leave that place without some kind of Elsa related figure! No way! This little beauty may not be my favorite Elsa dress, but she is still gorgeous and this is an OFFICIAL Disney product. So, let's check her out.

The box is nothing to gawk over.  It's pretty simple, concealing, and definitely not something that defines the work placed in the figure inside. But to judge this figure by the box is kind of asinine, to say the least. But it does offer some good protection for this fragile figure. So let's get on with it.

So just as a warning, I didn't use a lot of flash in these pics because it somehow made this figure look awful (most shots I took, anyway). So you'll see a lot of natural light at the time I took these pics.

Now, this figure is not like my common statue in my collection. It's delicate and no other purpose but for display. Now 'only for display' paraphernalia is not exactly out of the norm for me, but a very delicate figure is definitely something I don't usually have. But with that set in mind, that doesn't mean that this figure lacks in good sculpt. She's very well made and the details are not sacrificed. The posture is very Elsa like, and it's definitely something we've seen before (I'll definitely touch on that again). ALl the little details on her dress are all sculpted well and they definitely do their job defining this summer dress of hers.

Now as far as her colors, it's well done. But I did mention there was something odd about the coating that just makes her look unnatural with flash (or maybe I wasn't getting the right lighting and was too tired to get it right). But regardless, there are different shades of green to enjoy, her skin tone is just right, the pink flowers that are peppered all over her stand out. The only thing is her hair... seems like a lot of figures have a hard time getting that almost 'white' blonde hair right.

But she is pretty. It's not 100% accurate to Elsa, but it is recognizably Elsa, nonetheless. I love it!

Again, the posture is something VERY familiar. Something I'll touch on right now.

So the posture was definitely used before in the form of the SEGA Elsa. While Frozen Fever Elsa stands a bit more upright compared to her more 'sexy' posed SEGA Elsa counterpart, again, the idea is the same in regards to how she is standing.

Though I think the face on the SEGA Elsa is a bit more accurate (and prettier).

And here she is next to Treasured Collections Elsa. They share no resemblance in posture, that's for sure, but in terms of the type of collectible they are, they have a lot in common. Very fragile and not meant to be moved a whole lot. They're both in the same price range too (well, the SEGA Elsa became the same price range as well due to demand).

Would be cool though if they put her coronation dress in this same posture with the 'let it go' hairstyle. Hard to say which figure looks more like Elsa though and no, I'm not talking about just the hairstyle, but just the faces.... they both capture and not capture Elsa's features.

Kind of cool to see some of the evolution of Elsa. From very paranoid and kind of aggressive to I've-let-my-hair-down(literally), and to the Frozen Fever 'relaxed' posture.

Can't deny that this figure is still beautiful, even if this is not my definitive Elsa look.

One thing is missing though, that nice cut on her dress that shows some legs! Yes, I'm that perverted.

In conclusion, this is a good Elsa statue for those who are adamant Elsa fans like myself. Obvioulsy it's an easy pass, but for me, having visited Disneyland, I couldn't get off the magic without some kind of Elsa merchandise! Suffice it to say, this is a good addition to my Elsa shrine!

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