Thursday, February 2, 2017

POP: Psylocke

One of my favorite Marvel heroines! Sexy, convoluted, and just downright badass. It's only fitting that she will join my army of POPs. So let us move on to the review!

Once upon a time The X-Men were it within the realm of the Marvel Universe. They were the cash cow and the Avengers were barely a shadow compared to the Mutants of 616. Thanks to Jim Lee, we had some of the greatest artwork of X-Men comics and Psylocke's sexiness came to be known with her 'bikini-kunoichi' costume. Go figure.

While this POP version of her does not capture the sexiness that Jim Lee placed on the British turned Asian Psychic Mutant, it does still hold some awesome homage to the character. As I said before, there are characters that challenges POP to wander away from their standard and mold. Having her katana and Psychic Blade definitely solidifies the idea that Betsy needs to have her own posture to accomodate for these 'accessories'. Of course she still has to retain that blocky hair.

Here she is next to her lover, Archangel. A classic look pair up for these two. Again, I won't mind the X-Force variants of these two!

A favorite character of mine has to have a POP version of her in my collection. Growing an army of POPs definitley justifies a sexy psychic ninja in the pack and who better to fit that mold than Betsy Braddock herself? 

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