Wednesday, February 8, 2017

(EA Figures) Mass Effect: Legion

Does this unit have a soul? Ah yes, Legion. As much as we all can say (for those who ship Tali and Shepard) that without Shepard, there would be no Tali, or that Shepard stole a huge part of Tali's (Quarian) heart, I do want to point out that from how I see things, Legion is a portion of Tali's story. And yes, we have the Quarians vs Geths lore so that is inevitable, but what I'm saying is, a lot of how Tali is was defined by her interaction with Legion. We saw her rage, her weakness, her hatred, and her undying and loveable compassion. Anyways, I digressed, but this is my review on this dated figure of one of my favorite ME characters: Legion.

Just as a note, Miranda Lawson is the only figure in series 2 that I did not buy. Hindsight, I sort of regret that now since I can't say I finished this entire set(though this entire thing is missing Samara, Kasumi,  and Zaeed). Still, having Legion is an awesome accomplishment.

It was hard to hate the Geth after playing ME2. Replaying the trilogy some time back, when I was playing ME1, I couldn't fully see them as 'evil' after playing ME2 and ME3. So with that, the details in the Geth may not be that astonishing, but they did offer something cool to the space lore mix. This figure did a fantastic job replicating some of those details. Legion is still very much a Geth but he had certain differences that helped to make him stand out. Those differences, the figure tried to uphold that with their sculpt. Well, Legion was 'battle-damaged' the whole time and he wore a piece of Shepard's armor on his right arm.

The paint also kept true to Legion's darker color scheme. It has a good combination of dark hues that bounce off each other really well that really gives him an overall color coordination without being too outstanding. The only red on him, the stripe on Shepard's N7 theme is the only vibrant thing about him. In the hole on his chest, Legion was given these 'teal' colored dots that were supposed to represent the sparks coming out of him; yeah it did not translate well.

Aside from the plain stand, Legion comes with a sniper rifle. Again, these figures are so dated that there's not much to admire. Articulation is lacking as well and I can't get Legion in a better pose aside from a few 'neutral' standing poses.

He's more like a statue rather than anything else; the whole series is like that actually. Keep that in mind and these won't be a disappointed. Though there will be some frustration that one can't get him in a better pose, or at least a pose that would at least concur with Legion's personality. Great details though and probably one of the few Legion figures that we are provided with in such an affordable price! I like him! 

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