Sunday, June 19, 2016

POP: Supergirl(original)

Another POP addition to my collection. This time it's Supergirl. Now I'm not going to get too heavy with the Supergirl lore(I'm not 100% up to snuff with her histories, but I do know a couple about her different versions). This one can probably be considered as her 'classic', red skirt and all too 'superman' similarity with her top. Believe it or not, this particular version is one of the original superheroes in the Cinematic Universe. Anyways, let's get on with the figure.

Nothing new with the box. I'm pretty sure I'm not touching the rest of the set here, but for DC fans who collect POP, this is probably a good assembly.

Much like the comics in her time, Supergirl's costume is bright, simple shading, and almost conservative; still doesn't make sense that a girl capable of flight would be wearing a skirt. But regardless, it does capture her essence; make me realize though that there is a lack of blue or maybe it's her POP version that makes it look like that. The emblem on her chest is well done, as one can see. Definitely completes the costume. Kara didn't really go through a change in her emblem(from what I can see)

Back in the day, Kara was seen with both long straight blonde hair AND the short waves. Personally, to further distinguish between her 'classic' and 'cheerleader modern' version, I think it was a good idea to pick this hair style.

Now like most POP figures I get, she has the articulation on her neck(no bobbling, however).

Just for some comparison, here is Supergirl next to some of my other POPS(Daryl Dixon, Daedric Warrior, Alduin, and Coronation Elsa).

And here she is next to the ONLY DC POP I own at the moment. Wow, what a contrast in color schemes, yeah?

Finally got another DC POP! With the growing films DC has, I'm sure I'll be catching more of these guy along the way. I know Harley Quinn's set will be growing. All in all, I adore Kara's presence in my game room as a POP! She definitely brightens my DC Shelf(lacking space here!).

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