Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Onyx, my Dragonborn. Kachina's art
Skyrim came out 4 years ago! There's not enough words to describe how much that game truly became a major source of entertainment for me! To this day, it remains to be one of my favorite games for a plethora of reasons! Let's just spam my page of past commissions of the Skyrim world my Dovahkiin I live in, eh?
Frozen Skyrim; Evil-is-Relative's art

Fandias' art
Frozen Skyrim; HedrickCS's art
Ysmir; Evil-is-Relative's Dovahkiin; Art by Kachima
And I'm sure it's not done. I'm going to commission more but for right now, this is what I do have(and more I didn't post). To many more years of exploring Skyrim then!

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