Monday, October 12, 2015

Upcoming: Bishoujo and Marvel Legends

Well, it's that time for some preview session! And let me tell you, these are the things that I don't have room for but HAVE to have! Let's take a look at all the things that have been announced in a couple of Comic-Cons:


Are we surprised? With Spider-Gwen's popularity climbing to the roof, of course she was bound to have a freaking Bishoujo and a Marvel Legend so quickly! I will have to say that I'm sure there is going to be a masks-less version. There just has to be. But yeah... will be getting her.

And it's pretty obvious who this little gal is. Harley Quinn in her new 52 outfit. I'm not a big fan of it(would rather have a Suicide Squad movie Bishoujo), but it did look pretty. Have to get her for sure.

I got this info from: She's Fantastic blog.

Marvel Legends

This was inevitable. Though I am slightly afraid that Spider-Gwen in ML version won't be as ... innovating as the character. I did see a different sculpt with a masks Gwen. I hope it's a head swap and not a 'separate' figure. We'll see. Will be getting her of course. 

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