For the longest time I had the Groot BAF on pre order and I thought I was secured on getting these figures. Truth to be told, I was a bit ambivalent about having them and I was truly excited for the wave for two reasons: Iron Man and Nova; the rest of the hype is just to sate the hunger of having the next wave in my possession. Well, I have the Deep Space Iron Man in my possession, so let's see where this one rank, shall we?
The box is very familiar and it would seem like this would be Hasbro's 'permanent' new packaging for their Legends. There is one little problem with this: toy swappers can easily perform this act, taking the said figure and placing some random figure in replace of the original, or some just take the BAF piece or what not. It's a convenient packaging at home but not at the store! Well I digressed. There seems to be no variants according to the back of the box; hopefully there will be when the movie comes out.

He comes with one of Groot's leg. Just the sheer size of that leg pretty much conveys just how big this BAF is going to be! It's the other tempting factor it has in regards to me buying this whole damn thing. We'll see. Again lacking in the accessory departments. Does anyone else think that Hasbro should start providing stands for these guys to make flight pose easier???
It's a really great figure actually being an Iron Man fan myself. Some of the biggest hate I have read about this guy is that we don't need anymore Iron Man figures, and to some extent, we don't. I mean I can concur with the notion that SO MANY other Galactic characters could've been put into this wave aside from him. I mean, they could've put some villains as well(ones that appear in the movie!) like Ronan or Nebula. When we are talking about Galactic heroes, why not Quasar? Or maybe comic book versions of the Guardians themselves? But regardless, might as well praise the figure for what it has to offer. The new helmet is rather awesome. Definitely a distinguishable helmet that Iron Man has since he has a million other armors with helmets resembling each other too much. I mentioned the shoulder pads, and of course the paint details on the arc ray and his chest plate. Again, not a bad figure at all.
So all in all, I'm not going to rank this guy as one of the best Legends out there. Compared to the Heroic Age Iron Man, it doesn't feel like a sturdy piece despite the fact that it is the same mold. Lacking some paint details(and sculpting) and not having any accessories, I think it's a missed opportunity; a missed opportunity with some redeeming factor! I love Iron Man and I actually love this armor so with that said, it's a good addition. Let's see if I am the only one who truly feels that or maybe he'll just be a peg warmer.
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