Monday, January 6, 2014

.:Masterless and Rage:.

I tap my foot on the ground quite annoyingly. To anyone near this area, one can truly feel just HOW agitated I am with the whole debacle. I glare at her as she looks to the side with hands clenched inside her leather jacket.

"What?" She says in a harsh tone as if she is the one to admonish and not the other way around.

"Building of honor and destroying it."

"I'm not to blame for this you know! I'm not the one feeding false hope or adhering to the patterns of the past! I'm not to blame!"

"I know that."

"Then why…"

"Is there a reason for everything that you have done?"

"That's an asinine question." I raise an eyebrow at her response.

"There are a lot of things that are asinine. You being the conduit of mass destruction is also one of them."

"Cause and effect! I'm not the catalyst for it!"

"No. But the destruction you cause is greater than anyone. Despite what anyone else thinks, you are the one that can and if we perpetuate this road, you will be the one to destroy it all."

"But I'm the only one who was victorious in it," I turn to her now with my somber red eyes glowing with the said agitation. "That past is mine to settle and I deserve nothing else."

"No. There are two victorious ones in my eyes."


"You and her." She didn't get what I was saying. Probably thought I was referring to one of them. With that, I point towards the empty horizon. "Where dreams resides."

"Oh…. her…"

"Pick and choose your battles because you can only fight one. Remember, everyone can have false bravados of being able to endure the full hands of karma. Remember, this is your story. Remember that sometimes, to see the best in life, you have to go through the worse. I know first hand and still know it. Just, try not to lose some honor in the process."

"But…b-but… "

"The past has been done. As I have told you rhetorically, it is what it is. And no, I'm not using that statement as a means to say nothing can be done. It's not an excuse for inadequacy. It's just that, in this fiction you choose to write and live…. I believe that you want to claim tomorrow right now when the future's present isn't meant to be for today. There will be days… weeks…. and far more time to lapse that is in limbo. People are trying to regather themselves. And perhaps, company isn't supposed to be with those who are unable to fully grasp your pain."

"What are you saying? Give up and move on to something else?"

"If that was the message I have been trying to portray, I would've told you to leave this world behind a long time ago," I pause for a moment. "What I am trying to say is that… we're still in the same road trying to turn so soon when the exit isn't for a few ahead. And maybe… just maybe… the nights aren't meant for the same clock work pattern. Perhaps for now and for a bit… 'misery loves company.'"

"…. You're saying I'm misery?"

"I am Masterless and you are Rage."

"You're being cryptic."

"Yup." I chuckle as I open another bottle of beer and offer it to her. She looks it at quizzically before taking it. "That and you need to calm down a bit. It's not their fault that they don't fight like you do. You are the main character for a reason. You have to have the most colorful past and present that no one can ever truly grasp despite the words 'I understand'."

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