Monday, July 1, 2013

Marvel Legends BAF: Onslaught

Onslaught Series: Loki, Abomination, Pyro, Lady Deathtrike, Blackheart, Green Goblin
Toybiz came out with a BAF version of one of the most nefarious(and one of the messiest story line) Villain of the Marvel Universe and that is none other than Onslaught. Not to touch on that storyline or TOO much into the character's life line, I will say that in regards to my comment in my previous Apocalypse BAF Post about prudence and buying these figures while they were cheaper, well, Onslaught wasn't one of those. Again I only have a couple COMPLETE BAFs and sadly, only one was from Toybiz(well two now) and the other was from Hasbro. So Onslaught was a hefty price since a couple of the figures like Abomination and Green Goblin costed about a good $45 each. The six pieces total probably costed me about a good $100 more or less which is pretty damn frugal for an older BAF. But there is a reason as to why this said BAF was a bit on the cheaper side!

Compared to Apocalypse, he really is quite shorter. This was the controversy with this series. Honestly, I'm not griping about it because the figure itself is rather intricate in details and its accuracy(from what I remember) is pretty good!

So for a BAF this guy has great articulation. Apocalypse has less pose-ability with his hands, feet, legs, and so forth. That and the way he is built alone isn't entirely your norm humanoid frame so he has a bit more fun factor than what the controversy is giving him credit for.

Side profile gives a bit more of a vantage point in regards to the details put there. I like how the gauntlets came out and the way his legs are just gives him a bit more of a nefarious like stance rather than the normal humanoid legs. Torso details giving him that 'deathly' stature but with all that armoring still makes him devoid of any sense of depletion in nourishment. And of course the backside is another unique part of this figure. His armor plating makes surprises from behind scarce... okay bad joke.

I do not jest you, Human! BEHOLD MY MIGHTY HAND RIGHT NOW!
Again what he lacks in height I think he makes up for in his details. He is just made to be a beast! He has a feral but yet a very regal presence to him. The bulkiness isn't something to shy away from since he is after all still exuberant in his villainous ambiance. 

I mean let's put him next to one of the most popular characters of Marvel right now. He may not look as daunting as the picture in my Apocalypse post with Wolverine being the said Pharaoh's adversary, but still! If anyone thinks that Onslaught will get his armored behind handed to him by Stark, well one is sadly mistaken. That and he just looks freaking mean.

Okay then how about that then? Mean enough for you? 

So the amalgam of Professor X and Magneto(yes, that is his story line in a terse few words) is now the 'leader' of my second bay of villains. One of these days if I keep up this BAF hunting, I'm going to have to consider using my comic book wall for more toy shelves. 

The Red Game Room

Seriously. Behold his mighty hand.
Other than that! I can't stress that this is a good find for anyone in the genre of BAF hunting. He is cheaper than most and even though he lacks in size, it still gives a good sense of 'completion'. That and the said details I have written down about him. That and if you are like me and lacking some villains, this series will force you to have a few on hand; six to be exact. 

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