Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Some Blast in the Past

So ... believe it or not, all of my toys that are laid out on my 'current' (or not so current) Game Room lay out (The NEW Gameroom) are not the full representation of the plethora of toys I have to my disposal. Yeah, I'm a 'toy' hoarder believe it or not. But to just touch on some of the transmigrations of my game room. Now be warned, it may not be THAT easy to distinguish the difference. And Some of the changes I implemented, it was the same room. So suffice to say, the difference might be sparse.

The Beginning.... This is where my collection grew!

Yes, Venom Fan way back when.

My playarts collection...
Yes. those are posters on the ceiling of that room!

 Now the next few 'changes' as I explained are all in one room. Again the difference will not be transparent I would fathom to those who don't know my repertoire of 'toys', however, with a bit of squinting of one's eye, one can probably notice them.

Cluttered. Final Fantasy and Marvel related. Yes, Vanille in the background.
A bit more Marvel Biased. One table, and yes, Agarest War bondage!
Marvel will always encumber my Final fantasy/anime collection.
In my current layout, one can probably not discern that I am a transformer fan. Now, truth to be told, I am not the most avid of fan when it comes to the robots to whom our eyes have more than to encounter, however, I do find some of their toy models enamoring. The idea of them are classic and remains to be one of the biggest icons in their genre. Names like Optimus Prime, Megatraon, Starscream, etc. etc. resounds within the world wide web with prominence. One can't refute how popular these robots are, and their toys are cash cows! So....

Each shelf looks exuberantly crowded!

And this is what it looked like before!

So yeah. That's just some of the layouts I have.... I guess some would scoff that I keep some of these valuable toys (the Transformers are a good example) submerged within the cold confines of my storage...  Yeah I can adhere to one's disdain! But truth to be told--- I have no more room!!!!

Well.... that's enough of 'throwbacks' season... More updates this week... 

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