Thursday, November 2, 2017

DC Green Lantern figures (Series 5): Soranik Natu

I'm not going to recite the Green Lantern's creed! I barely remember it since all the Lantern Corps' creeds are all mixed in! So with that said, here I am with a figure I have had in my collection for a long time! I decided to open her to give my DC shelf some ...  Light. Anyways, let's get on with the review.

It's a very classic packing. Cardboard and plastic, very reminiscent of the toy biz days. Well, nothing much to say about this box. Though there was a time where I was a big time War of Light fan. I was enamored with all the different Lantern Corps; I especially loved the Red, Sapphire, and the Blue.

Right off the get-go, this figure is awkward. Sculpt wise, it looks decent. It is a female figure and she has a pretty good and curvy frame. But it stands very awkwardly vanilla pose. Heck, it's even hard to get her on a good dynamic pose, but I digress. As I was saying she's made into a good looking figure, aesthetically. She has a decent and not ugly face.

And while this is not my favorite color combo, it's a good paint job on Soranik. The combination of pearlescent white, metallic green, and black really compliments each other, with the latter really making the brighter colors pop. I also like her skin color, definitely adds depth to the color scheme. Her Green Lantern insignia isn't as prominent as say, Hal Jordan's, but it's there. While this juxtapose is common in the Green Lantern mythos, the fact that is well done in plastic form definitely gives this figure a saving grace for me.

The only thing I'm going to say is... cool base. That's about the only noteworthy thing to say about the accessory department.

If you expect in-depth articulation from this gal, don't. It's an awkward sculpt and unfortunately that level of awkwardness carries over to her range of movements... or lack of. I know it's an older figure, but her articulation dates back to the days of 5-point of joint movements(okay, she has a little more, but the sculpt is once again a hinderance to make any of the swiveling useful)... that's 90s! Back when Toybiz was just crawling! Not really much to say about this.

"In brightest day, in blackest night
No Evil shall escape my sight
Let those who worship evil's might
Beware my power, GREEN LANTERN'S LIGHT!"

Okay, I did it. Since I only opened her to add some variation on my DC shelf, I think she serves her purpose. I didn't plan on having her in some dynamic pose so it works. I can't really say she's a bad figure when I had an idea of how she was going to be. But the sculpt threw me off; luckily her aesthetics stayed true outside her packaging! Anyways, happy collecting! 

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