Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Let's……. Change the beat.

Kitty Young is the only face of Harley Quinn I know now. Disagree?

Please try.

I wish I knew who this cosplayer was because…… DAMN.


uh yeah. Skrull or Drew, don't care! Damn!


Magically DAMN!

Yeah. Damn.

Yeah. Damn final heaven indeed.

ending note: I fervently apologize if I am unable to give credit to some of these lovely ladies! I scouted for these images across the web and have lost the website for some of them or some of them were sent to me. I would LOVE to credit them so if you happen to come across my blog now and see your lovely self in here, please admonish me and I would hope you will give me OFFICIAL permission to use these and a link to your page! Of course the photographers who come across your work in here are more than(obviously) allowed to do the same!

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