Saturday, February 25, 2017

ML Sandman BAF: Black Suit/Symbiote Spider-Man

Definitely one of my favorite Spider-Man costumes! The Black Spider-Man is simple and genius all at the same time. It was both cloth and a living organism and not to mention, it also became Venom, formerly one of my favorite Marvel characters(way back when). So here's his modern age action figure! So does he contend?

Right off the bat I already know that I will not be getting this wave, but with the amount of figures I do want, I might just cave in. We will see. I'm always on the look out for additions to my Spiderverse shelf, but it's getting ridiculous.

I won't talk a lot about the mold since it's a familiar one. It's a mixture between Pizza Spidey and Scarlet Spidey, so enough said about that.

Right off the get go, it's a full on black plastic so there is not much to talk about when it comes to the paint job. The white for the eyes, the symbol, and the top of the hand are clean; something that a lot of Black Spidey figures suffer with how strong the black color is on the plastic. Luckily mine have pretty strong layers of white paint on all areas. They were really going for the symbiote Spidey here more than the cloth Black Spidey.

He gets two pair of hands that do fit the character well. Some people might say he needs a 'thwiping' hand, but considering its suppose to be more a Symbiote Spider-Man, the fists do well. I do wish there was an alternate head that shows the symbiote-like face or arms that are showing the symbiote fading away. Something. Or black webbing coming out of his hand. Oher than that, it's alright. The Sandman accessories for the BAF looks nice.

His articulation should be familiar by now as he retains the mold's range of movements(Pizza Spidey's range is definitely greater than Scarlet Spidey since Ben had the sweater to hinder the shoulder joints). Again, like a broken record, they need to do something about those legs that will allow more Spider-y like poses. Also as a note, his joints get loose a lot more than any other Spider-Man figures I have had in the past. I've seen and heard more than once that there is a lot of QC in this figure. Unfortunately, this is mine.

And without any kind of webbing accessories or anything to change things up, Black Spidey is lacking some fun factor.

But that doesn't mean he is not without his fun factor.

I will tell you right now, he is probably the best 6 inch figure that we got from both Hasbro(Rulk series) and Toybiz.

In conclusion, I had my fun with this figure. I do wish he had more to offer, but I am not at all disappointed. The Black Spider-Man is one of my favorite outfits of Spidey; definitely more than the red and blue. So to have an updated and modern version of this suit is more than welcome. Now I wish Iron Spider gets one! 

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