Monday, August 29, 2016

Damsel of the Month: END

After much consideration, I have decided to end my Monthly "Damsel of The Month" posts. There are a few reasons, but the MOST prominent one is that time is no longer by my side. I don't have the same schedule like I used to and the last few months since March, it's been a hassle to just get one out. Hunting pictures became such a task that it wasn't as fun at times anymore. I apologize for anyone who actually followed this blog JUST for that reason, but I'm sure there are other ways to get some of these gals' Distress into one lump some area.

But with that said, I do believe I plan on doing a 'Damsel Highlight' here and there where it won't be based on a particular month. Maybe I just gathered enough pics of a particular Damsel (like Silk, Starfire, etc), or maybe it's a special month and I feel like doing one. But no more monthly. Sorry. But I do think I ran this little thing for a good while now. Almost a full four years. And most of those months, I had a TON of fun!

Maybe when my schedule frees up I'll do them again, but I suppose some of these lovely gals will just have to celebrate that their defeated moments won't be highlighted on a regular basis (Zatanna, Silk... I still have my eyes on you!).

My Blog will still be up, but it will be a lot more Action Figures, gaming, random ranting, and nerdgasm stuff. That doesn't mean I'll abandon the perverted stuff, of course! And I do have my other blog(gh0st) which is based on my Damsel of the Month theme and some fanfics that I want to be saved somewhere else in case my roningh0st DA is shut down! So, no, I'm not dropping the ropes.

Regardless, thank you to those who followed this monthly shindig! Keep a look out for other Damsel related things in the future!

::Damsel of the Month::

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