Thursday, February 9, 2017

POP: Pink Ranger

GO GO Power Rangers! Have I mentioned that I am a "casual" fan of the Power Rangers franchise? I watched the original Rangers way back when, then I ended up following them a little bit after the Original movie came out. I watched the Turbo movie, then I stopped watching altogether. But with the movie coming out, I was given this 'rekindle' some old feelings. I had a crush on the Pink Ranger(and on a tangent, had a crush on Kaitlin from VR troopers too!). Anyways, that's where this little beauty came from! That side of the fandom!

I am ambivalent when it comes to getting the other Rangers. I'm tempted to get the White Ranger since he was one of my favorites, but I don't know if I have that much space to get into a Power Ranger POP collection. We'll see.

One thing off the get go is that Pink Ranger over here does not have a bobble head. Other than that, it's a cool looking POP. While the Rangers(or any of the Sentai warriors' suit for that matter) outfit does not make sense for what they do, it is a good contrast for each ranger and the theme offers enough uniformity to make one know that The Power Rangers are here. Funko definitely did their best to capture every essence that they can with this figure. Though Pink Ranger's stance is odd when having her 'vanilla' pose. This stance is meant for the head to turn to the side; it's an action pose. If the head is facing forward, it just looks like she is doing a funny dance.

See, this angle looks so much better.

There you go folks! In celebration of the movie coming out, I had to get this. Sure I'm no Power Ranger collector, but it is awesome. And might I notify you that this is the last of my POP from the December Spoils. Unless I find a POP that is that attracting and a MUST(Jessica Drew, Spider-Woman, anyone?!), I will stop here, for now. 

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