Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Pop: Fallout Power Armor

A POP figure in my collection! A Fallout figure in my collection! This a very familiar face in the Fallout lore since its the armor that the Brotherhood of Steel members wear. When I played Fallout 3, one of my characters definitely wore this as her trademark armor! As a POP figure, let's take a gander at this prominent armor, shall we?

So there is nothing new with the POP boxes. I might be tempted to grab the Deathclaw one of these days when I find him, but for the most part, the Power Armor is the only one I am really interested in within this set. Though it would have been cool if they added the Rebel Brotherhood of Steel or the Telsa Armor! I would have bought those in a heart beat since they were the armors I wore the most in my Fallout 3 game.

So, as for the details of the POP toy, it does what it does best as a POP figure. You can truly recognize the character/armor the moment you look at it despite its gargantuan head!

Again, details are where details are and the color is fitting. Though some post apocalyptic wear and tears would have been a nice touch, but I'm not complaining all that much with how well this POP came out. He even has the laster rifle to help him trek through the harsh lands of Fallout.

Here he is alongside my other 'stray' POP characters: X-Force Deadpool and Daryl Dixon.

While I am not the biggest fan of the Fallout franchise, I am a big fan of Bethesda. I enjoy their Fallout games but obviously I remain true to their Elder Scrolls. Suffice it to say, this little figure is a great addition just to show my love for the game! Anyone who collects POP and is into Fallout will find this guy a great addition to their collection! 

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