Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Masterless and Rage: Cowardice

In the wake of all that has happened and everything about this year, I have finally realized a few things.

And what is that? 

People who say what they are supposed to be are cowards. Selfish and incompetent. Pranksters and pure utter disappointments. 

That is how things have become haven't they? It's a constant barrage of disappointments, cowardice, and people unable to stand up to their own mishaps; people unable to fight their own demons they have made. 

People unable to see the true destruction they have made for themselves and everyone else. 

Isn't it dejecting to know that so many people are just false bringers of joy. People can easily find someone else to replace what they once shared with you. People can easily forget your meaning, your worth, your heart. 

Why is it that this is what we are handed? Yes, some of it is our fault. Some of it we have done to ourselves but the majority of it are people's inability to live up to their word. Why are we continually hounded by people who are fragments and reflections of one another? 

I don't know. I wish I had an answer for that. 

Yeah. Would be nice if we ourselves can find a meaning for a life so fucking bad. 

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